Partners School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard joined Physical Education Teacher Tim Powers at the Silvia Elementary School on May 1, 2015 to witness a number of activities that the children were engaged in for the Fall River Fitness Challenge. "The Silvia School has gone way above and beyond our expectations for this year's Challenge by engaging children in physical activity throughout the day, not just in their PE classes," noted Picard. "Tim and Lead Physical Education Teacher Terry Mahjoory, who devised most of the activities, are demonstrating that physical activity doesn't have to take time away from learning and, in fact, improves learning by keeping children moving." Some of the Challenge activities included having children do quiet exercises while waiting in the hallway during their bathroom breaks, doing stretching exercises while waiting in the school nurse's office, taking five-minute "brain breaks" by moving to a music video in their classroom, running a baseball diamond course on the playground during their recess period, or sharing what they do with their families to keep physically active through a bulletin board in the hallway. Even teachers participated by writing down their healthy options for their lunch break and posting them on a bulletin board in the teachers' room. Click here for an 13-minute video of the different activities. For more information, contact School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard at 774-319-0107.

(Top row, left) Physical Education Teacher Tim Powers meets with Partners School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard at the Silvia Elementary School while Lead Physical Education Teacher Terry Mahjoory was away at a training. (Top row, center and right) Children go through a defined set of exercises in the hallway during their bathroom break instead of simply standing and waiting for ten minutes. (Row two, left)  Lead Physical Education Teacher Terry Mahjoory takes a photo of student participating in last year's Walk to School Day. (Row two, center and right) Mr. Powers pulls out one of the instruction sheets that students can follow to do stretching exercises while seated and waiting for the school nurse. (Rows three and four) Students in Christina Mikolazyk's third grade class move to music as they follow the characters in a short video called Pop See KO 2.0. (Row five, left) Students enjoy the chance to "run the bases" on the playground, dropping a colored block in a bucket for each lap they complete.  (Row five, center and right) Mr. Powers and Ms. Picard talk to Jomo Kieto and Aniyah Travassos after their run as they talk about how exercise makes them stronger and better learners in class. (Bottom row) Mr. Powers looks over the bulletin board that depicts what family members of different children do for activity with their families and the bulletin board that displays the healthy lunches that teachers are bringing to their lunch room.

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