Celebrating the 50th Anniversary of the founding of Community Psychology in Swampscott, Massachusetts in 1965, the Society for Community Research and Action (SCRA, Division 27 of the American Psychological Association) held its biennial conference at the University of Massachusetts Lowell. Long time SCRA member and psychologist Dr. David Weed was invited to present a session on "Organizing a community-wide coalition to improve health" on the opening day, June 25, 2015. Citing the Robert Wood Johnson Culture of Health Prize that the City of Fall River won in 2013, Dr. Weed went on to detail the elements that have made Partners for a Healthier Community one of the strongest Community Health Network Areas (CHNAs) in the Commonwealth. Dr. Weed then invited participants, who came from such divers places as Los Angles, Chicago, Oklahoma, and Italy, to address their own unique challenges and to problem-solve with the other group members. Click here for a three--minute video of the opening remarks and here for photos of the 2011 conference in Chicago. Click here for photos of Dr. Weed's poster presentation at the 13th Biennial in Chicago in 2011. For more information, contact CSJ at 508-678-5497. 

(Top row) Partners Executive Director Dr. David Weed uses a short video to describe past and current efforts to address a wide range of health challenges in Fall River before initiating a discussion among session participants. (Row two) A participant from Chicago asks about the formation of Partners as a backbone organization to support health promotion efforts while another asks about how Partners addresses food policy issues raised by current USDA guidelines. (Row three) Dr. Weed asks group members, including one working in inner-city Los Angeles to talk about what seems to be working well in their communities to make positive health changes. (Bottom row) A variety of exhibits and social events were included at the conference including one by the Atlantic Center for Population Health Science and a performance at the opening reception by Slam Poet Jamele Adams, right.

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