Erin Reed of MassDot's Safe Routes to School Program came to the Fonseca Elementary School on July 9, 2015, to engage the children in a 45-minute session on pedestrian safety. Erin began with a Jeopardy-style Q & A about rules for pedestrians and cyclists. After separating into three teams, the children quickly became engaged in the game, revealing a good amount of knowledge but also demonstrating some confusion and misinformation about the correct way to walk and bike in places where there are no sidewalks or which direction they should travel when walking and biking. That game was followed by a more active game of "Pedestrians and Drivers" in which children acting as pedestrians tried to dodge cars to get to the other side of the gym. "Erin does a great job of conveying a lot of information in a format that the kids really enjoy," stated School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard who was present for the session. Click here for a twenty-minute video of the event. Click here for photos of a session at the Talbot Middle School organized by Mass in Motion Fall River. For more information about Erin's presentation, contact School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard at 774-319-0107.

(Top row, left) MassDot's Safe Routes to School Program staff member Erin Reed arrives at the Fonseca Elementary School during the 21st Century Program there and takes a group of students to the gymnasium. (Row two) Erin engages the children in a Jeopardy-style Q & A about rules for pedestrians and cyclists using a roulette wheel to pick questions to ask. (Row three) Students in the Wildcats team compete against the Pinkalicious team and the Friends team to come up with the correct answers. (Bottom row) Following the first game, students don safety vests for a game of "Pedestrians and Drivers."

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