The B.M.C. Durfee High School Youth Leadership Council (YLC) held an event at the School on March 31, 2015 for Tobacco Free Tuesday as part of The 84 Movement. The 84 is a statewide movement of youth fighting tobacco in Massachusetts. The 84 represents the 84% of Massachusetts youth who did NOT smoke when the movement began. Now 89% of youth do NOT smoke. The YLC invited Durfee health teacher Ms. Spicola to speak on common misconceptions about tobacco use; and students presented cigarette ingredients, information on the health risks of tobacco use and changes youth can make in collaboration with local legislators. They then facilitated a discussion on peer usage of tobacco products. The Fall River YLC was honored to be featured as The 84 Movement's "Chapter of the Month" for the month of April! For more information, contact Youth Development Fellow Jessica Grazulis at Greater Fall River Re-Creation at 508-679-0922. (All photos courtesy of Jessica Grazulis)

(Top row) YLC member Katrina adds a "Hazardous Materials" sticker to a poster board while participants prepare to start their presentation.(Row two) YLC member Leah presents information on tobacco products and use before everyone shows their 84 Movement bracelets. (Row three) Katrina demonstrates examples of cigarette ingredients and shows a video that member Tyra made about attending The 84's "Kick Butts Day" at the Statehouse in Boston. (Row four) the group discusses ways to combat Big Tobacco in Fall River. (Row five) Members show examples of cigarette ingredients, including insecticide and tar. (Bottom row) The group enjoys refreshments and orange-and-blue-themed treats made by Tyra.

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