UMass-Dartmouth College of Nursing students, who are part of a Global Health Collaborative, came to the Congregational Christian Church in Somerset, MA on November 7, 2015 to provide a health screening to families living in the area, an event also sponsored by The Church of Our Savior in Somerset. "This is our third screening effort here in the Greater Fall River Area," stated UMass-Dartmouth College of Nursing UMass-D Assistant Professor of Nursing Maryellen Brisbois. The group met first in Haiti and then  traveled to Mississippi before choosing do health screenings in the Fall River/New Bedford Area. The clinic offered basic health screening and referrals to local resources for families as well a a chance to get a free flu vaccination on the Southcoast Health Wellness Van. Representatives from the WIC Program, CFC Head Start, the Bristol County District Attorney's Office, Children's Advocacy Center, HealthFirst Dental Program, and United Neighbors of Fall River were also available to talk with families. Transportation for the families was provided by Partners through a Vela Foundation grant and activities for the children were provided by Kim Ferrara of WiggleKids. The project was organized by Partners Community Outreach Manager Brian Moses and Wendy Garf-Lipp, Executive Director of United Neighbors of Fall River and Chairperson of the Coalition for Health and Well-Being. Click here for a five-minute video of the event. Click here for photos of a previous College of Nursing clinic. For more information, contact Dr. Brisbois at 508-999-8586 or Wendy Garf-Lipp at 508-324-7900.

(Top row, left and right) UMass-D Assistant Professor of Nursing Maryellen Brisbois talks with a woman while student Ashley Pimenta talks with a child. (Top row, center) The Southcoast Health Wellness Van was available to families for flu vaccinations throughout the clinic. (Row two) Student Shay McCretton weighs a child while Jenna Kennally takes a blood pressure. (Row three) Students Sarah Smith, Pat Kenney and Katie Thayer confer while Michaela Orsino interviews a child and SCI Americorps Member Jay Wong helps a child with a puzzle. (Row four) Student Nurse Tina Avella works with two children on a craft project while Church Member Karen Rousseau talks with Congregational Christian Church Pastor Rev. Cheryl Rieder and Nursing Student Stacie Linfield shows a child how to use a stethoscope. (Row five) Rev. Rieder confers with United Neighbors of Fall River Executive Director Wendy Garf-Lipp while June Murphy and Mickey Botelho serve and BCC Psychology Students Jennifer Santana, Amber and Chris Pherber and Danielle Machado share a meal with Ms. Garf-Lipp before volunteering to work with the children. (Bottom row) Coach Kim Ferrara of WiggleKids gets all of the children moving after lunch on her bouncy balls.