Following four weeks of the Mental Toughness process, program staff announced the 29 new YouthBuld Program students chosen to continue their participation in the Class of 2016 at a meeting on February 6, 2015. Believing that some in the classroom would not be chosen, all were relieved to learn that they were all going to have the opportunity to complete the nine-month program that includes G.E.D. education and vocational training. A loud cheer went up in the room when Program Director Carmen Richardi made the announcement as each of the students were hoping they would be selected. They then went into the next room to participate in a "Toast For Change!" ceremony where each offered their thanks for being included and their hopes for completing the program. "This is to a better me, a better future for me and my family, and also thank you to the staff," said Ryan Enos during her Toast,  Click here for a 13-minute video of the announcement and following ceremony. Click here for photos of a similar effort in 2013.For more information, contact Carmen Richardi at YouthBuild at 508-675-1975.

(Top row, left and right) YouthBuild participants Josh Montesinos, Ryan Enos, Christian Pacheco, Yatsha-Lee Riveira and Leslie Perez await the announcement of who would be chosen to remain in the program. (Row two, left and center) Cheyanne Estrella and Marie Riveira wait nervously as Program Director Carmen Richardi made the announcement with staff member Tony Almeida by his side. (Row two, right) Christian Pacheco turns around and shakes Cruz Vertentes' hand on hearing the news that they were selected. (Row three) Students are relieved to hear the news, including Chemyk Bryant and Sonya Ramos. (Row four) Teachers Harold Denfeld and Eric McHugh watch as the students move to the next room for the Toast for change where Christian Pacheco and Hector Figueroa  express their hopes for the coming year. (Bottom row) Teacher Sean Connell and Mr. Richardi watch as student express happiness at their selection and raise a toast with their cups of ginger ale.

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