Following Winter Storm Juno, an intense blizzard that brought over two feet of snow to the City on January 27, 2015, staff from the YouthBuld Program spread out across the City to help seniors and people with disabilities clear the piles of snow that blocked sidewalks and kept cars locked in icy piles along the streets. Organized as part of a city-wide effort by the Community Development Agency at Government Center, teams were assigned to different groups who offered their labor at no charge to provide assistance at no cost to residents who had called to request help. "We were glad to give back to the community," commented YouthBuild Program Manager Carmen Richardi who oversaw the assignment of more than twenty locations throughout the City. Click here for a short video of the YouthBuild group in action. Click here for a Herald News article about the storm. Click here for photos of a similar effort in 2013.For more information, contact Carmen Richardi at YouthBuild at 508-675-1975.

(Top row) YouthBuild staff members Tony Almeida and Harold Denfeld wait for volunteer Natalia Almeida to finish mapping the locations assigned by Community Development before the crew boards the YouthBuild bus. (Row two) David Salonis works at clearing a parking space along Division Street. (Row three) Eric McHugh works with Lisa Schmiedl while Ira Joseph explains the program to the photographer. (Bottom row) The crew, including Alex Cabeceiras on the right, poses for a photo before heading off to the next location. 

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