Several hundrend police, human service organization representatives and staff from the Bristol County Office of the District Attorney gathered on January 29 2016 at the Hillside Country Club in Rehoboth for the fifth annual legislative breakfast for the Children's Advocacy Center (CAC) of Bristol County. The program began with an invocation by Rev. Robert Lawrence before Executive Director Michelle Loranger introduced New Bedford Police Department Chief for a post-humous award to former Chief Povender. Latet in the program, she introduced   of the   and Myra Carter, who introduced her daughter, Allison, who told her own story of abuse.. Created in 2007, the CAC provides a coordinated response to child abuse victims of sexual abuse, severe physical abuse and witness to violence. The CAC is also committed to the ongoing education and development of prevention programs in Bristol County. Click here for a one-hour video of the event. Click here for the Herald News article.  Click here for photos of last year's event. Click here to go to the CAC Facebook page. For more information, contact Stephanie Joyal at 508-674-6111.

(Top row) Guests, including  arrive at the Hillside Country Club in Rehoboth where John Quinn of New Bedford arrives to check in while CAC Executive Director Michelle Loranger goes over final details for the presentation of colors by the New Bedford Police Department Honor Guard. (Row two) State Representative Alan Silvia talks with Representative Stephen Howitt and Senator Timolty's aide while Michelle poses for a photo with event speaker Allison Carter. (Row three) Rep. Howitt is interviewed by a reporter while Michelle speaks with Bristol County District Attorney Tom Quinn while State Representative Paul Schmid greets Rev. Robert Lawrence before he gives the invocation. (Row four) Michelle speaks with Massachusetts Children's Alliance Executive Director and guest speaker Tom King after greeting State Representative Angelo D'Amilia of Plymouth. (Bottom row) Michelle presents New Bedford Acting Police Chief David Lizotte with a plaque in honor of Police Chief David A. Provencher who served for 35 years, before Mr. King and victim/survivor Allison Alison Carter speak.

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