Family Service Association (FSA) is "on the air" with a public access television show that showcases many important community leaders from the fields of health care, social service, government and other areas. Host Mike Moran  taped two shows on June 23, 2016, one for broadcast in July 2016 and one for broadcast in August. The July show features Janice Velozo and Eric Andrade, both of whom are involved in the Mass in Motion Fall River 1422 Project that works to reduce the rates of high blood pressure and pre-diabetes. A key component of that Project is to encourage people to walk more, and they talks about how the opening of the new Alfred J. Lima Quequechan River Trail will serve that purpose. Mr. Moran then taped another half-hour show to air in August with Partners for a Healthier Community Executive Director David Weed and Outreach and Media Liaison Michael Coughlin who spoke about the range of prevention efforts that are coordinated by Partners, included in the 2014-2016 Action Plan, and described in the 2016 Action Plan Summary.. The shows air on Tuesdays at 8:30 p.m. or can be see on-line by clicking here. To learn more about Partners' work, contact Executive Director Dr. David Weed at 508-837-9029.

(Top row) Technician Ben Farabini directs the taping of the show from inside the control booth at the Bristol Community College Fall River Community Media studio. (Middle row) SSTAR 1422 Mass in Motion Fall River Project employees Janice Velozo and Eric Andrade are interviewed by Host Mike Moran about their work with the new Alfred J. Lima Quequechan River Trail. (Bottom row) Partners for a Healthier Community Outreach and Media Liaison Michael Coughlin and Executive Director David Weed are interviewed by Mr. Moran about some of the projects described in the 51-page Action Plan 2016.

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