The second Family Fun Night of the new year was held at the William S. Greene Elementary School on January 27, 2016. Partners School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard welcomed 225 parents and children to participate in a program that engages them in some healthy movement while learning about nutrition and a range of community resources that they can access to maintain or improve their health. Participants were offered sessions on nutrition by the UMass Extension Nutrition Education Program and one on movement with Fitness Leaders Mike and Suzanne Ramos. Participants also had the opportunity to speak with representatives of eighteen agencies including the Bristol County District Attorney's Office, Bristol County Sheriff's Office, Children's Advocacy Center, Early Childhood/Family Community Engagement, Family Service Association, HealthFirst Dental Program, Mass Council on Compulsive Gambling, Mass in Motion/Walk Fall River, Fall River Parent Academy, People Incorporated, Road to Healing, Saint Anne' Hospital, Southcoast Energy Challenge, Southcoast Health, SSTAR, Tufts Network Health, WIC, and Partners for a Healthier Community covering its Soda-Free Challenge. Click here for a 30-minute video of the event. Click here for photos and video of a similar event at the Tansey School. For more information, contact School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard at 774-319-0107.

(Top row) Joseph Bond and Jayden and Paula Costa sign in at the registration desk before taking a seat to hear Partners School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard welcome over 200 people to the event. (Row two) Efrain Vaez and his family get started with some fun movement to music while Jaelynn Bryan and her mother, Melissa, check out the information provided by the Bristol County District Attorney's Office. (Row three) David Ruiz checks out information from Saint Anne's Hospital while Greene Physical Education teacher Todd Jeffers talk with RIC Intern Kara Strang and Partners Worksite Wellness Coordinator Angela Bras at the Partners Soda-Free Challenge table before Kara talks with some students. (Rows four and five) As Lt. Queila Raposo of the Bristol County Sheriff's Office talks with parents, Fitness Leader Mike Ramos engages Pat Maituza in some spontaneous moves during the fitness group. (Row six) UMass Extension Nutrition Education Program Educator Sue Loughlin greets one of her former students as Lindsay Megan prepares a healthy meatless dish and Christine Charbonneau passes out samples. (Row seven) Rebecca Simmons and Lisa Robitaille answer questions at the People Incorporated Early Intervention Program table while Lisa Alves, center right, of the WIC Program speaks to parents, and Saint Anne' Hospital staff talk with a student. (Bottom row) Robin Thorpe joins Marcia, Principal Joel Jocelyn and Bristol County District Attorney Thomas Quinn draws door prize winner Janessa Maituza's ticket before she claims her bag of groceries and shows Principal Jocelyn a photo that her grandmother, Pat, took of the two of them.. 

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