The Heritage Park Visitors' Center at Battleship Cove was turned into a Family Fun Night and Summer Dance Party on August 10, 2016 by the Massachusetts Department of Conservation and Recreation (DCR) interpretive staff members Maggi Brown and Molly Cardoza. The evening provided a chance for family members to engage in crafts, watch DCR employee Colleen Keegan from Pilgrim Memorial Park in Plymouth spin yarn, play with giant inflatable balls provided by the Greater Fall River Children's Museum, learn knot tying with Chris Nardi of the.Greater Fall River Re-Creation Community Boating Program, and dance to the tunes of Chris Hookie and Sunshine Entertainment. The Visitors' Center is open daily from 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. during the summer and includes exhibits and a video about Fall River's history. Click here for a three-minute   video of the event. For more information, contact Regional Interpretive Coordinator Maggi Brown at 617-839-4996.

(Top row) As visitors arrive, volunteer Kelly Durfee Cardoza describes a craft project and Kaki McDowell, Katie Pascoal and Jo-Anne Sbrega of the Greater Fall River Children's Museum inflate some giant balls that the children could push around outside. (Row two) Visitor Services Director Maggie Brown and Visitor Services Supervisor Molly Cardoza greet people as they arrive. (Row three) Nick Gassaway and Kayla While get their children, Raven and Alex Gassaway, involved in some crafts and a photo opportunity. (Row four) As DJ Chris Hookie invites people to the dance floor, Chris Nardi of the Greater Fall River Re-Creation Community Boating Program teaches knot tying.

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