The Massachusetts Public Health Association (MPHA) held its inaugural Policy Council Meeting for the 2016-2017 year on September 21, 2016 at Union Station in Worcester, MA, and a follow-up meeting on November 4th. MPHA Executive Director Rebekah Gewirtz welcomed former members and new members and described the new Health Equity Policy Framework that will provide a guide to the MPHA board, Policy Council, staff and partners. Director of Public Policy and Campaign Strategy Maddie Ribble described the 2014-2017 strategic plan which identified diversity as a core focus area, but has been changed to more explicitly address racism. Field Director Andrea Freeman helped Council members get to know one another through a series of warm-up exercises. Following lunch, Council members were invited to give feedback on the Framework through comments posted on the wall. Click here for a  three-and-a-half-minute video of the Ms. Gewertz' opening remarks For more information about MPHA, contact Andrea Freeman at 978-895-0960. 

(Top row) Director of Public Policy and Campaign Strategy Maddie Ribble, MPHA Executive Director Rebekah Gewirtz, and Field Director Andrea Freeman welcomed members of the Policy Council for their inaugural meeting. (Row two) Mr. Ribble and Ms. Freeman lead the discussion and a warm-up exercise. (Row three) New Bedford  Health Department Community Health Worker Supervisor Jamie Berberena, second from left, participates in the group warm-up exercise led by Andrea Freeman, right. (Row four) Ms. Berberena and Partners Executive Director Dr. David Weed post suggestions for the Policy Framework following lunch. (Bottom row) At the follow-up meeting on November 4th, groups led by Andrea Freeman, left and by Maddie Ribble, right, the Policy Council reconvenes to begin to review the recommendations. 

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