Mass in Motion Fall River arranged for two speakers from WalkBoston to present their recommendations on wayfinding signage related to the new Quequechan River Rail Trail at Government Center on March 2, 2016. The project is part of a new "1422 Project" funded by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health designed to improve opportunities for physical activity and to help people at risk for diabetes and high blood pressure to become more active. SSTAR Community Prevention Coordinator Eric Andrade, who is working on the project with Mass in Motion Fall River Coordinator Julianne Kelly, introduced WalkBoston Project Manager Adi Nochur who described the project and asked for input from the audience during the one-hour session that was open to the public. Click here for a 46-minute   video of the session. For more information about walking resources in the City, to to or the  WalkFallRiver Facebook page. To learn more about Mass in Motion Fall River, contact Fall River coordinator Julie Kelly at 508-324-2405

(Top row) WalkBoston Project Manager Adi Nochur and SSTAR Community Prevention Coordinator Eric Andrade outline the project and take questions from the audience. (Row two) Senior Champion Volunteer Kathy Lowney and WalkBoston Senior Project Manager Bob Sloane listen as Mass in Motion Fall River Coordinator Julianne Kelly describes some aspects of the project to Michael See, MS, RCEP, CDE of the Diabetes Management Program from SouthCoast Health and John Silvia. (Row three) Mr. See asks about various aspects of the project as Ms. Kelly and Ms. Lowney listens. (Bottom row) The group talks about various aspects of the project which is designed to promote walking throughout the city.

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