Three hundred students and family members were treated to an early Thanksgiving dinner at the Morton Middle School on November 17, 2016. "This was the brainchild of Principal Patterson," stated Community and Family Partnership Coordinator Maureen Estes Flanagan. "It was my pleasure to work with her, staff and volunteers from our parents to make it a success," she added. "It's a great opportunity for our staff and all of our families to get together to enjoy a meal," noted Principal Sheryl Patterson. The meal was made possible by Whitson's Food Service. Following each of the three seatings and on their way to pick up dessert at the end of the hall, guests could stop by and speak with representatives of a dozen local agencies including the Bristol County District Attorney's Office,,Children's Advocacy Center, Citizens for Citizens, Family Service Association, Katie Brown Educational Program, Partners for a Healthier Community covering its Soda-Free Challenge, People Incorporated, Saint Anne's Hospital, Samaritans of Bristol County, SMILES, and Southcoast Health. Click here for a two-minute video of the event. For more information, contact Maureen Estes Flanagan at 508-235-1841

(Top row, left and right) Partners School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard greets School Committee Member Paul Coogan and points out the agency tables displays, including one with information on the Samaritans of Bristol County offered by Morgan Trudeau. (Top row, center) Morton Middle School Principal Sheryl Patterson and Community and Family Partnership Coordinator Maureen Estes Flanagan put the event together with the help of staff, students and volunteers. (Middle row, left and right) Math Teacher Peggy Coleman welcomes families and shows them where they will be seated. (Middle row, center) The serving crew poses for a group photo. (Bottom row) Members of the student council arrive to help with the event as Deb Jackson and Libby Phelan get ready to serve and the first family through the line sits down to enjoy their dinner. 

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