Members and friends of NAMI of Bristol County gathered on April 28, 2016 at the Baptist Temple Church on Eastern Avenue in Fall River for a forum and community discussion about mental illness. Chapter President Brenda Venice introduced Baptist Temple Church Pastor Michael Johnson who talked about his own experience as a father of a son with mental illness. Following the airing of two videos, one on the NAMI Connection recovery support group where people with mental illness learn from one another's experiences, Ms. Venice called on Gary Ares and Annette Rego for their own personal stories of dealing with mental illness and substance abuse. Ms. Venice then introduced Case Manager Elsa Maldonado-Soler and Registered Nurse Monique Coe of Caregiver Homes who described their services. The program concluded with an invitation for audience members to respond to a series of questions posed by Ms. Venice. Click here for a one-hour video of the event. Click here pictures of a previous presentation. For further information about NAMI, contact Brenda Venice at 508-678-2584.

(Top row) Baptist Temple Church Church Pastor Michael Johnson welcomes NAMI of Bristol County President Brenda Venice while Case Manager Elsa Maldonado-Soler and Registered Nurse Monique Coe of Caregiver Homes hand out their literature. (Row two) Ms. Venice, Pastor Johnson and Gary Ares speak during the program. (Row four) Annette Rego describes her own experiences with her son before Ms. Maldonado-Soler and Ms. Coe describe the Caregiver Homes services. (Bottom row) Ms. Venice invites members of the audience to participate at the end of the forum.

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