The Portuguese population in Europe has the highest rate of diabetes (13%) of all of the central European countries, and that same population now populates over forty percent of Fall River and Bristol County, Massachusetts also resulting in higher rates of diabetes. Fall River Community Media Channel 95 cable television host and Flint Neighborhood Association President Carlos Cesar invited psychologist Dr. David Weed to appear on his August 2, 2015 show to talk about how a low-carbohydrate approach to eating can help people with diabetes or pre-diabetes reduce, or in some cases eliminate, the effects of the disease. Dr. Weed has been teaching people in Fall River a low-carbohydrate approach for over five years during the annual Fitness Challenges that are held every winter and spring. In the show, he goes over the cause of diabetes and explains how avoiding foods containing starches and sugars and increasing healthy fats in the diet has eliminated his own symptoms as well as the symptoms of most people who are willing to take this approach. The shows air Channekl 95 or can be see on-line by clicking here. To learn more about his work on diabetes, contact Executive Director Dr. David Weed at 508-837-9029.

(Top row) Technician Adam Kitchen runs the editing deck while host and Flint Neighborhood Association President Carlos Cesar interviews Dr. Weed. (Middle and bottom rows) While Carlos ask questions about why Portuguese people have a higher rate of diabetes, Dr. Weed explains how the illness works and why a diet heavy in rice, potatoes, bread and refined carbohydrates fuels the symptoms of high blood sugar and interferes with the body's ability to heal when foods high in carbohydrates are greatly reduced in the diet.

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