Students at the Resiliency Preparatory School participated in a day-long Youth Empowerment Conference held at the School on May 11, 2016 and sponsored by People Incorporated. Following opening remarks by Principal Magdalena Reis, State Representative Carole Fiola began the day with her remarks about succeeding in life, followed by Navy Corpsman Joshua Chiarnini, Boys and Girls Club Executive Director Peter McCarthy, Kuss Middle School Vice-Principal Bob Hargraves, Lead the Baseline CEO Aaron Wilson, Fall River Mayor Jasiel Correia II, and Jesse Green "The Machine". English Teacher and Guidance Intern Jan Doyle stated that "we chose those speakers to inspire them to pursue their dreams, go after their goals, and give them their own stories of how they found success." The day also included lunch and recreation in front of the school and fun inflatables and an interactive rain forest reptile show Click here for an hour-long video of the event. Click here for photos of a resource mapping event at the RPS school. For more information, contact Principal Reis at 508-675-8230. (Photos in rows four, five and eight courtesy of Vannak Pen.) 

(Top row) Principal Magdalana Reis and English Teacher and Guidance Intern Jan Doyle were on hand to welcome the students to the day-long inspirational conference. (Row two) Principal Reis and Vice-Principal Terrance Talley enjoy the lunch and recreation at noon on Rock Street in front of the school. (Row three) Students Chris Pabon and Logan Ferry huddle during a touch football game while Math Teacher Mary Jane Omar hands out tee-shirts as students file into the building to hear more speakers after lunch. (Row four) After Ms. Doyle brings the students into the cafeteria, Ms. Magdalana welcomes them and introduces the first speaker, State Representative Carole Fiola. (Row five) Boys and Girls Club Executive Director Peter McCarthy, Navy Corpsman Joshua Chiarnini, and Kuss Middle School Vice-Principal Bob Hargraves tell their stories. (Row six) Students listen as Lead the Baseline CEO Aaron Wilson inspires them to reach their dreams before taking a selfie with the group in the background. (Row seven) Fall River Mayor Jasiel Correia II suggests that the students each develop a team that can help them fulfill their dreams, (Bottom row) Jesse Green "The Machine" talks to the students about what made him succeed before concluding the day with an interactive rainforest reptile show and some fun time on  inflatables in the gym.



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