A state-wide group from the eleven Safe and Successful Youth Initiative (SSYI) communities toured Greater Fall River Re-creation  Headquarters. Program Director Annemarie Holly showed the group the location for the YouthBuild Program, the SSYI and Shannon Grant Program headquarters, the High Step Program, and the Family Service Association Family Resource Center, all located at 45 Rock Street. SSYI youth are connected to each of these programs as part of their program. Following the tour, the group went to the Boys and Girls Club to participate in a meeting about effective practices around the state. The Safe and Successful Youth Initiative uses a positive youth development model to reduce youth violence at a community level. This includes identifying gaps in service needs and resources and establishing a statewide consensus around measures of success. The project was developed through the Healthy Youth Task Force that Partners sponsors. Click here for a 12-minute video of the tour. For more information, contact co-chairs contact Christian McCloskey at 508-324-2419,

(Top row)  Greater Fall River Re-creation Program Director Annemarie Holly leads the group on a tour of the building at 45 Rock Street and the various SSYI programs that it houses. (Row two) Annemarie takes them through the Community Room and introduces them to SSYI Program Director Ray Gove. (Row three) Outreach Workers Ray Sem and Kendra Sullivan are introduced as Annemarie takes them through a classroom and the Family Service Association Family Resource Center. (Bottom row) The larger statewide SSYI group meets at the Boys and Girls Club.

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