The Partners Soda-free Campaign traveled to the Cathedral of Saint Mary on October 16, 2016 to urge people who speak Spanish to reduce or eliminate soda and other sugar-sweetened beverages. This is part of an ongoing effort to educate adults and children that soda is one of the largest sources of empty calories that contribute to obesity and metabolic syndrome. Sugars from soda and other foods are also a major contributor to tooth decay. Partners Outreach and Media Coordinator Michael Coughlin joined St. Mary's communicant Sarah Quiñones to pass out a flier about the dangers of sugar and a flier about sugar and tooth decay to people as they left the church after mass. Rev. Germán Correa Agudelo encouraged people to look over the material. "This is the first of what we hope to be a series of educational events to reach Spanish-speaking persons in Fall River with public health messages," commented Coughlin. Click here to see a two-minute video of the event. Click here for photos of a Spanish-speaking walk on the new Alfred J. Lima Quequechan River Rail Trail for people with diabetes and/or high blood pressure. For more information, contact Mike Coughlin at 774-301-1485.

(Top row) Sarah Quiñones and Mike Coughlin prepare materials to pass out to people as they leave the mass conducted by Rev. Germán Correa Agudelo who urged people to consider the material, especially those with diabetes. (Rows two and three) Mr. Coughlin and Ms. Quiñones pass out materials and talk with people about the importance of limiting sugar. (Bottom row) Ms.Quiñones talks to a gentleman, left, who states that he has diabetes and Julio Riasgo, right,, about the importance of reducing sugar, especially sugar-sweetened beverages like soda and fruit and sports drinks and especially 

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