Students who attend the Viveiros Elementary School began their first "Walking School Bus" of the school year on November 16, 2016. The "Bus" will leave from the Sunset Hill Housing Development every day of the week throughout the remaining school year, thanks to School Vice Principal Frederick McClelland who has begun the daily walks. Walking to school has been a primary objective of Partners School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard who organizes walk to school events twice a year at all of the Fall River Public Schools. "With all of the attention on academic achievement, children's physical health is too often ignored as an essential part of learning," stated Picard. "Similar walking groups now head to the Doran Community School, the Letourneau Elementary School and the Fonseca Elementary School, demonstrating that it can be done safely and with lots of participation from children," she added. Click here for an three-minute video of the first day of the Viveiros walk. For more information, contact Marcia Picard at 774-319-0107.

(Top row) Viveiros Elementary School Vice Principal  Frederick McClelland waits with Partners School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard for children to join them in the Sunset Hill Housing Development but find no takers on the first day. (Row two) The two head to the Abbot Court Park where they are joined by Mia Marcelo and her mother. (Row three) The group is then joined by Williams Augusto and Nathan Pavao, with Williams donning the "caboose" safety vest as they head to the school a few blocks away. (Bottom row) The group gets help from crossing guard Angel Calcano, and Williams relinquishes his vest as he heads into the building. 

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