Dozens of adults and children gathered at Lafayette Park on August 26, 2016 to get everyone moving. Designed to provide two hours of healthy activity for younger children, the Women Children and Infants (WIC) program's third field day event did just that. With music provided by Pete Down of Upbeat Entertainment, dozens of kids bounced on WiggleKids exercise balls and beat out tunes during a Drums Alive session that followed. Other created giant bubbles, tried hula hoops, and played with frisbees provided by the District Attorney's Office who sponsored much of the event. Representatives of Highland Pediatrics provided a sugar-free information table, Citizens for Citizens Family Planning and HealthFirst Family Care Center offered information about their services, and Greater Fall River Re-Creation offered free pizza. The event ended with a six-year-old girl and a eight-year-old boy winning a new bicycle and helmets donated by Benny's and BMC HealthNet Plan.  "Though it was a hot day, people kept cool in the shade of the trees," stated WIC Community Coordinator Lisa Alves. Click here for a seven-minute video of the event. Click here to see pictures of a Field Day held earlier in the summer at Kennedy Park. For information about WIC services and how to sign up, contact Lisa Alves at 508-679-0349.

(Top row) Wiggle Kids assistant Autumn Rayray bounces with kids and high-fives them during the first hour. (Row two) A mother and her children learn how to make giant bubbles using string, straws and dish detergent from Partners School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard. (Row three) Karina Ortiz and Serrinity Hart try hula hoops while Sarah Pedro and two-year-old Emma-Ruth help themselves to pizza while Jordan Brano tosses a frisbee to children. (Row four) Parents and children look over materrial at the HealthFirst table before getting slices of watermelon from Pediatric Medial Assistant Heatlher Booker, right. (Row five) Suzanne Salva and nine-month-old Michael talk with Amy Raposa of Highland Pediatrics about the dangers of sugar. (Row six) Kim Ferrara of WiggleKids leads the group in a Drums Alive session where children drum to music using pool noodles. (Bottom row) WIC Program Director Colleen Kenyon and Pete Down of of Upbeat Entertainment call out the winning numbers for the boy's and girl's bicycles won by Richard Romero and K'lani Chambers.

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