As overdoses continue to rise in Fall River, a new Addictions Help Center opened at Government Center on April 27, 2017 that will give persons of concern and family members an opportunity to speak directly with providers without waiting. The Center, which serves the Greater Fall River Area, expects to operate on a monthly basis as long as it's meeting the need. "We've had more than twenty providers who can provide services immediately," said  Recover Fall River organizer Laurie Godwin. "This is an effort to break down barriers," she added. Twenty to thirty people walked through the doors in the first ninety minutes, according the Fall River Substance Abuse Grants Coordinator Michael Aguiar. Opioids and other drugs have produced a crisis among Massachusetts families, and other organizations such as Recover Fall River and Learn 2 Cope work to help family members deal with the crisis of family members who get involved with opioids. Fall River has seen a steady rise in overdose deaths over the past several years, with numbers moving to over seventy deaths in 2016. Click here for a two-minute video of the event. Click here for photos and video of the City's new Opioid Task Force. For more information, contact Michael Aguiar at 508-324-3598.

(Top row) Recover Fall River organizer Laurie Godwin talks with people at one of the tables before she poses for a photo with City Substance Abuse Grants Manager Michael Aguiar. (Top row, right) Seven Hills Behavioral Health staff members Louisa Jorge, Giovanna Borges, Carolyn Claiborne and Kristen Korn are available to offer their resources. (Row two) Erica Scott-Pacheco and City Councilor Richard Cabeceiras look over information at one table, while Certified ARISE Interventionist Marie Pelletier of Stanley Street Treatment and Resources and Linda Botelho of Learn 2 Cope are available to speak with family members. (Row three) Stephanie Perry of  theSaint Anne's Hospital Emergency Department responds to someone's questions. (Bottom row) Banners announcing the Opioid Task Force's Recovery Connection Team's phone numbers hang from the Government Center balcony at a previous event.

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