The Amazon Fulfullment Center on Innovation Way in the Fall River Industrial Park held its grand opening event on March 24, 2017. General Manager Andrew Sweatman welcomed U.S. Senators Elizabeth Warren and Ed Markey, Governor Charlie Baker , Mayor Jasiel Correia II, Massachusetts Senator Michael Rodrigues, Massachusetts Representative Carole Fiola and many other local dignitaries to the half-hour welcoming before leading the Senators and Governor on a tour of the facility. The giant operation covers 1.3 million square feet and is the largest of Amazon's seventy fulfillment centers in the United States. The facility employs over one thousand workers who process over a million items a week on a twenty hour a day schedule. "I want to thank all of our associates here today", said Sweatman. "This business couldn't happen without all of our associates here and I want to take some time to recognize everything that they've done to build this business as it stands today." Click here for a thirty-five-minute video of the event and click here for the Herald News article.

(Top row, right) General Manager Andrew Sweatman welcomes guests to the opening event at the quarter mile long facility on Innovation Way. (Row two) U.S. Senators Ed Markey and Elizabeth Warren congratulate Amazon for creating over 1,000 new jobs in Bristol County. (Row three, left) Massachusetts Governor Charlie Baker praises all those involved in putting the facility together and recruiting so many qualified employees. (Row three center and right) Senator Markey shares a laugh with the Governor before Mr. Sweatman leads them on a tour of the facility. (Row four) Senator Warren talks with the Governor about job creation as she and Senator Markey see the Center in operation and the Governor speaks with several associates. (Bottom row) Mr. Sweatman wraps up the tour and State Representatives Paul Schmid and Alan Silvia have their pictures taken with Senator Warren.

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