As part of the Greater Fall River Fitness Challenge. Registered Dietitian Amanda Raposo of the Southcoast Health Diabetes Management Program  came to the Fall River YMCA on January 25, 2017 and spoke to a group about how to either prevent or manage diabetes by reducing dietary carbohydrates and increasing fat. Ms. Raposo, who has been successfully recommending low-carb high-fat diets for the patients she treats that include food choices that do not have high amounts of carbohydrates but that contain healthy fats. People in the group talked about some of the challenges they have in managing their diabetes and Ms. Raposo gave them suggestions that they could follow to keep the amounts of carbohydrates they eat low to keep from increasing their blood sugar levels. Click here for a 25-minute video of the presentation. Click here for a presentation that Ms. Raposo and Partners Executive Director, Dr. David Weed, gave to members of the Massachusetts Public Health Association. For more information, go to Partners low-carb web page or contact Dr. Weed at 508-837-9029. .

(Top row) Registered Dietitian Amanda Raposo of the Southcoast Health Diabetes Management Program explains how diabetes results when the body cannot handle the amount of carbohydrates that someone consumes, resulting in high levels of sugar (glucose) in the blood. (Row two) Mrs. Raposo displays a book that list the carbohydrate contents of common foods and recommends that people read the labels of all the food they buy to see how much they are eating. (Row three) Ms. Raposo goes on to describe how cells become insulin resistant, much like too many people trying to crowd onto an already full subway car, so that blood sugar can increase to dangerous levels. (Bottom row) Ms Raposo responds to questions and suggests ways that they can limit carbohydrates so keep their blood sugar at healthy levels.

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