Partners Executive Director Dr. David Weed presented another session in the series on "How to Lose Weight Without Going Hungry" as part of  the Greater Fall River Fitness Challenge. The series is offered to Challenge participants who are attempting to lose weight in the Challenge through exercise, though research is clear that exercise is not a good for long-term weight loss. Low carbohydrate, high fat diets, on the other hand, have repeatedly been  demonstrated to lead to significant weight loss, especially when compared to low-fat, calorie-restricted approaches. In this session, Dr. Weed talked about cereals and fiber, pointing out that, while cereals do not belong in a low-carbohydrate diet, fiber does and can be obtained in fruit, vegetables, nuts and seeds. Click here for a 36-minute video of the presentation. Click here for the presentation that Dr. Weed gave in the previous week and here for all of his and others' presentations on the topic. For more information, contact Dr. Weed at 508-837-9029. (Most photos by Marcia Picard)

(Top row) Dr. Weed opens the session by explaining that breakfast cereals were invented in the mid-nineteenth century by Kellogg, Post and others as an alternative to meat, and that only through heavy marketing have we become convinced that they are a necessary part of a healthy diet. (Row two) Dr. Weed goes on to explain that cereals are composed of refined grains and sugars that quickly lead to weight gain and high levels of blood sugar that can lead to diabetes and heart disease. (Row three) Southcoast Health Registered Dietitian Amanda Raposo, who has been successfully recommending low-carb high-fat diets for the patients she treats, talks about how cholesterol levels improve when carbs are reduced and fats are added to one's diet. (Bottom row) Partners School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard offers samples grain-free cereal made with unsweetened coconut flakes, chia seeds and ground flax seeds with some cream while Dr. Weed offers the group a sample of scrambled eggs made with cream cheese.

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