Partners Executive Director Dr. David Weed presented the last in a ten-week series on "How to Lose Weight Without Going Hungry" as part of  the Greater Fall River Fitness Challenge. The series is offered to Challenge participants who are attempting to lose weight in the Challenge through exercise, though research is clear that exercise is not a good for long-term weight loss. Low carbohydrate, high fat diets, on the other hand, have repeatedly been  demonstrated to lead to significant weight loss, especially when compared to low-fat, calorie-restricted approaches. In this session, Dr. Weed talks about the toxic effects of sugar on the liver and its effects on the development of Type 2 diabetes. Click here for a 31-minute video of the presentation. Click here for the presentation that Dr. Weed gave in the previous week and here for all of his and others' presentations on the topic. For more information, contact Dr. Weed at 508-837-9029. (Photos by Marcia Picard)

(Top row) Participants look over low-carb recipes before Dr. Weed begins his presentation, based largely on the work of Science Author Gary Taubes and his book, The Case Against Sugar, in which he details how we have come to believe that sugar is not harmful but fat is. (Row two) Dr. Weed describes the rapid increase in sugar consumption in America over the past fifty years that has paralleled the rise in obesity and diabetes. (Row three) Dr. Weed describes research that has shown how high fructose corn syrup causes fatty liver disease in adolescents who drink a lot of soda and then details the history of sugar consumption over the centuries. (Rows four through six) Dr. Weed demonstrates how to make a low sugar birthday cake from watermelon using whipped cream, coconut flakes, almonds, strawberries and blueberries that has one tenth the sugar of a typical cake. 

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