Partners Executive Director Dr. David Weed offered a chance for participants in a ten-week series on "How to Lose Weight Without Going Hungry" as part of  the Greater Fall River Fitness Challenge to give feedback on the benefits of lowering dietary carbohydrates and increasing fats. The series was offered to Challenge participants who are attempting to lose weight in the Challenge through exercise, though research is clear that exercise is not a good for long-term weight loss. Low carbohydrate, high fat diets, on the other hand, have repeatedly been  demonstrated to lead to significant weight loss, especially when compared to low-fat, calorie-restricted approaches. In this discussion, Dr. Weed hears from Southcoast Health Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator Amanda Raposo, RD, that in addition to weight loss without hunger, low-carb diets also lower acid reflux, increase energy and mental clarity, improve breathing and sleep, and improve achy joints, Click here for a 38-minute video of the discussion. Click here for the presentation that Dr. Weed gave in the previous week and here for all of his presentations on the topic. For more information, contact Dr. Weed at 508-837-9029. (Photos by John)

(Top row) Participants listen to Dr. Weed as he summarizes what the group has learned about low-carb high-fat diets over the ten week series. (Row two) Dr. Weed shows several almond packages that make a great low-carb snack. (Row three) Southcoast Health Dietitian and Certified Diabetes Educator Amanda Raposo, RD, joins Dr. Weed to respond to questions from the group. (Row four) Dr. Weed tallies the weight that members of the group have lost over the ten weeks, ranging from six to forty pounds while participants looks over some coconut oil packets that can be purchased at Trader Joe's market. (Bottom row) Group members sample some deviled eggs that Dr. Weed made, one of his favorite low-carb high-fat foods.

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