Over two hundred police, human service organization representatives and staff from the Bristol County Office of the District Attorney and local law enforcement and courts gathered on January 27 2017 at the Venus deMilo Restaurant for the sixth annual legislative breakfast for the Children's Advocacy Center (CAC) of Bristol County. The program began with an invocation by Rev. Robert Lawrence before Executive Director Michelle Loranger recognized Linda Pereira and Anne Parson Marchand who recently retired after giving years of service on behalf of children's advocacy. Senator Marc Pacheco then recognized Detective Lt. Jim Coelho for his 38 years of service with the Taunton Police Department. Board Chair Michelle Roberts then recognized the elected officials and board members who have supported the work of the Center. Ms. Loranger then introduced Mass. Department of Children and Families Commissioner Linda S. Spears and Nancy Alterio, Executive Director of the Mass. Disabled Persons Protection Commission who each spoke. The program ended as Ms. Loranger welcomed Charlotte LeBelle and her daughter Megan Hsia who shared their experiences as victims of abuse ten years ago. Click here for a ninety-minute  video of the event. Click here for the Herald News article.  Click here for photos of last year's event. Click here to go to the CAC Facebook page. For more information, contact Stephanie Joyal at 508-674-6111.

(Top row) Greg Medeiros and Jeff Cardoza sign in for the event at the Venus deMilo Restaurant in Swansea as  CAC Executive Director Michelle Loranger gets ready to welcome guests and speaks with ten-year-old Sophia Capoluto who is preparing to sing the National Anthem. (Row two) Sylvia Rudman of the District Attorney's Office talks with Susan Oliveira of the New Bedford Department of Children and Families while a table of Fall River police officers waits for their color guard to begin the program. (Row three) Heather Church and Charlene Monte of the Dartmouth Public Schools serenade the event with violin and cello before Rev. Robert Lawrence begins with an invocation and Ms. Loranger recognizes Linda Pereira on her retirement. (Row four, left and center) Anne Parson Marchand who recently retired after giving years of service on behalf of children's advocacy is recognized by Ms. Loranger, and Detective Lt. Jim Coelho is recognized by Senator Marc Pacheco for his 38 years of service with the Taunton Police Department. (Row four, right) Ms. Roberts recognizes the elected officials and board members who have supported the work of the Center and thanks former Board Chairwoman Leslie Powell Knowles, next row, for her leadership. (Row five, center and right) Mass. Department of Children and Families Commissioner Linda S. Spears speaks before Nancy Alterio, Executive Director of the Mass. Disabled Persons Protection Commission gives her remarks. (Bottom row) Charlotte LeBelle and her daughter Megan Hsia share their experiences as victims of abuse ten years ago and receive bouquets of flowers from Ms. Roberts.. 

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