The Bristol Community College (BCC) Sustainability Program marked Earth Day with a celebration on April 19, 2019 to acknowledge the College’s ongoing commitment to sustainability and supporting the environment. A number of campus programs and community organizations, including Mass in Motion Fall River set up exhibits and speakers addressed a mixed crowd of students and members of the community. In the past several years, BCC has expanded its commitment to sustainability through the installation of solar panels in several locations, including the “solar farm” on the roof of the canopy over the south parking lot; a windmill located on the north side of campus, and the opening  of a new self-sustaining science building. Biology Professor James Corvin heads a an Associates Degree program in Sustainable Agriculture Program and a non-credit Master Gardener Program that helps local gardeners improve their skills and learn the best agricultural science for raising food sustainability. Click here for a one-minute video of the event. Click here for last year's event. For more information, contact Eric Andrade at 508-863-9733.

(Top row, left and right) A student talks with Dylan Cadieux of the Southeastern Massachusetts Agricultural Partnership (SEMAP) while others look over the BCC recycling table. (Top row, center) SSTAR Prevention Coordinator Eric Andrade mans the Mass in Motion Fall River table promoting walking and biking and the web site. (Middle row, left and right) Chanel Sinclair of the Augusta Street Kitchen in Providence answers questions at her table while Tina McDonald of the Bristol County Bee Association talks about bee keeping. (Bottom row) A student talks with staff of the UMass Extension Nutrition Education Program  while Elizabeth Amaral of the Sustainable Agriculture Program draws a door prize ticket for student Leah Clayton.

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