The fourth Family Fun Night of the new year took place at the Henry Lord Community School on March 21, 2017. Partners School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard welcomed 138 parents and children to participate in a program that engages them in some healthy movement while learning about nutrition and a range of community resources that they can access to maintain or improve their health. Participants were offered sessions on how to cook a quick and easy healthy dinner by the UMass Extension Nutrition Education Program and one on moving to music with Mike Ramos. Participants also had the opportunity to speak with representatives of 18 agencies including the  Bristol County District Attorney's Office, BMC HealthNet Plan, Child and Family Services, Children's Advocacy Center, Citizens for Citizens, DCF and DCF Foster Parenting, Fall River Women's Center, Head Start, HealthFirst Dental ProgramMass in Motion/Walk Fall River, New York Life Insurance, People Incorporated, Road to Healing, Saint Anne' Hospital, Samaritans, Southcoast Health, WIC, and Partners for a Healthier Community covering its Sugar-Free Challenge. Click here for a 25-minute video of the event. Click here for an earlier event at St. Michael School. For more information, contact School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard at 774-319-0107.

(Top row) Pira Pheap signs-in with Nicole Garrafa and Melissa Pacheco of the Henry Lord PTO before Partners School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard welcomes over 100 parents and children to the event. (Rows two and three)  UMass Extension Nutrition Education Program staff members demonstrate how to make a silly fusilli chili recipe that is quick, easy and nutritious. (Row four) Baby Hunter is carried by his father to the resource room where Linda Hennessey talks about the HealthFirst Dental Program and Partners Outreach Manager Jack Shipley talks with parents and children about cutting back on sugar-sweetened beverages and drinking whole milk. (Row five) Parents and children visit the People Incorporated, the New York Life Insurance, the Fall River WIC Program, and the Children's Advocacy Center, tables. (Rows six through nine) Fitness Leader Mike Ramos leads groups in a 20-minute session fun session to get people moving. (Bottom row) Student Support Coordinator Emily Mallozzi reads the winning door prize numbers as eight-grade English teacher Lauren Colman delivers ten bags of groceries provided by the Fall River Women's Union.

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