The Gates of Hope Food Pantry in the former Davol School on Flint Street was the recipient of the first delivery of frozen food donated by Harvard-Pilgrim Health Care in December, 2016. A $10,000 grant was awarded to Fall River's Mass in Motion Program and Partners for a Healthier Community, Inc. to purchase freezers for the City's food pantries as well as $2,000 for frozen food to stock the freezers. "We're very grateful for this grant," explained Faith Scallion who operates the Flint Street facility. "We often receive donations of frozen food but have no way of storing it so it can be distributed to families in need. This donation is wonderful," she added. Mass in Motion Fall River staff members Julianne Kelly and Eric Andrade are working to ensure that more freezers will be purchased for local food pantries to enable them to supply low-income people with frozen vegetables when fresh produce is not available. Frozen food is known to be as or even more nutritious than fresh produce and is usually less costly and less wasteful, especially for single persons. Gregory Byrne of Harvard-Pilgrim Health Care was on hand on February 17th to see the operation in action. Click here for a one-minute video. For more information, contact Mass in Motion Fall River Coordinator Julie Kelly at 508-324-2405.  

(Top row) SSTAR Community Prevention Coordinator Eric Andrade enters the Gates of Hope Food Pantry in the former Davol School on Flint Street where both fresh and frozen food is available to those in need. (Row two) Mass in Motion Fall River Coordinator Julie Kelly and Eric Andrade meet with Gates of Hope Coordinator Faith Scallion to arrange for the delivery of frozen food. (Row three) Volunteers Michael Vaillancourt and Priscilla Andrade hand off frozen food purchased with the grant to Faith to store in the freezer donated by Harvard-Pilgrim Health Care. (Bottom row) Faith fills the freezer shelves before Gregory Byrne of Harvard-Pilgrim joins Glenn Colombe and the rest of the group for a photo with frozen food bags sporting the Harvard-Pilgrim logo.

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