Investigators working for the Conservation Law Foundation (CLF) and the MIT CoLab organized a meeting with representatives of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) at the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative office in Dorchester, MA on May 17, 2017 to review progress to-date on a research study that is tracking environmental conditions and health in nine Eastern Massachusetts neighborhoods. Voices for a Healthy South Coast has been collecting survey data in Fall River and New Bedford over the past year as part of the project. The study will track neighborhood changes across multiple domains to include economic, social, behavioral, environmental, and health outcome indicators. Taken together, it is expected that these indicators can help predict and track neighborhood change over time, and provide important new insights about the connections between the built environment, opportunity, behavior, and health. The investigators are applying for continued funding from RWJF to extend data collection and analysis for several more years to determine the effects of neighborhood environmental changes on the health status of residents. Click here for a 49-minute video of the first part of the discussion. Click here, here, here and here for additional project web pages on the project in Fall River. Click here for the HNEF draft report. For more information about the work in Fall River and New Bedford, contact YMCA Project Leader Gail Hartnett Rodrigues at 508-996-9622.

(Top row) Investigators and representatives of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation (RWJF) gather at the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative (DSNI) office in Dorchester where DSNI Execitove Director Juan Leyton welcomes Andrew Binet of the MIT Co-Lab who leads the discussion. (Row two, left) Lisa Owens, left, of City Life Vida Urbana in Brockton talks about her work as Oktiwia Wojick and Amy Gillman of RWJF and Andrew Seeder and Shannon Simpson of DSNI listen. (Row two, right) Andrew listens as Mariana Arcaya of the MIT Department of Urban Studies and Planning makes a point. (Row three) The findings of over 300 surveys of neighborhood residents in the nine communities identified three common factors that affect health. (Row four) Abbey Cofsky of RWJF, Jarred Johnson of the Codman Square Neighborhood Association and Sharon Roerty of RWJF listen as Kathleen O'Brien of the Everett Community Health Partnership makes a point and Juan, Andrew and Mariana respond. (Bottom row) Andrew Seeder of DSNI, third from left, points out some of his observations and Dave Weed of Voices for a Healthy South Coast talks about housing factors in the Fall River Flint Neighborhood before Maggie Super Church of the Conservation Law Foundation wraps up the discussion.

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