Members of the Leadership SouthCoast Class of 2017 spent the entire day on April 12th at the UMass Dartmouth Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship (CIE) Conference Center exploring the status of public health of Fall River and New Bedford as part of their ten-month community leadership program. The first session was devoted to develop the participants' understanding of the state of public health on the South Coast, including the social determinants of health, key health issues, challenges and barriers to a healthy lifestyle, and promising resources and interventions. Leadership Southcoast Executive Director Jennifer Downing introduced Partners for a Healthier Community Executive Director Dr. David Weed to talk about those issues and to engage the participants in a discussion about how they might address these issues in their work setting. Click here for a 24- minute video of parts of the session and following discussion. Click here for a pdf copy of the presentation slides. Click here for the presentation on opioids that followed Dr. Weed's talk. Click here for photos of the 2015 session. For more information about Leadership SouthCoast, contact Executive Director Jenniver Downing at 508-717-3274.

(Top row) Following a positive leadership discussion, participants turned their attention to Partners for a Healthier Community Executive Director Dr. David Weed for his presentation on public health in the South Coast. (Middle row) After summarizing the health challenges on the South Coast, Dr. Weed describes the various efforts that have been undertaken to address those challenges. (Bottom row) Dr. Weed then engages the participants in a discussion their potential role before Saint Anne's Hospital Director of Community Benefits Tracy Ibbotson suggests how they might get involved in the work of Partners. 


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