Using information that has supported its approach to reducing obesity, Partners Executive Director Dr. David Weed presented on "How to Lose Weight Without Going Hungry" to over forty participants in the Greater Fall River Fitness Challenge. Dr. Weed outlined why permanent weight loss and improved cardiovascular health can be best achieved by reducing dietary carbohydrates and increasing fat. "Partners recommends whole foods with natural fats through its guidelines, a 20-minute video on the subject, and efforts to reduce sugar-sweetened beverages ," he stated following the presentation. During presentation, Dr. Weed introduced Southcoast Health Registered Dietitian Amanda Raposo who has been successfully recommending low-carb high-fat diets for the patients she treats that include food choices that do not have high amounts of carbohydrates. Click here for a 28-minute video of the presentation. Click here for a presentation that Dr. Weed gave and Ms. Raposo of the Southcoast Diabetes Management Program to members of the Massachusetts Public Health Association. For more information, contact Dr. Weed at 508-837-9029. .

(Top row) Participants pick up information related to low-carb diets before Dr. Weed and Ms. Raposo begins their presentation in the Community Room at the Kuss Middle School. (Row two) Dr. Weed holds up two recent books, Always Hungry? by David Ludwig M.D. of Harvard Medical School and Eat Fat, Get Thin by Mark Hyman, M.D. of the Cleveland Clinic who both recommend low-carb, high-fat diets to reduce weight and to resolve metabolic disorders like Type II diabetes. (Row three) Dr. Weed explains why exercise alone will not result in long-term weight loss without making dietary changes that limit carbohydrates and increase fats. (Bottom row) Dr. Weed introduces Ms. Raposo who, along with her son, Jack, explains why low-carb diets work to reduce weight, blood sugar, blood pressure and blood cholesterol levels. 

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