The 19th Ounce of Prevention Conference sponsored by the Massachusetts Department of Public Health (DPH) took place at the DCU Center in Worcester on March 28, 2017. The event brought public health practitioners and advocates together for presentations and awards celebrating the work of leaders statewide. Associate Commissioner Lindsey Tucker introduced Commissioner Monica Bharel, MD, MPH who outlined the goals and methods the Department employs to address health across statewide policies. Heidi Klein of the Vermont Department of Public Health gave the keynote address, "An Introduction to Health in All Policies" before the Commissioner awarded the Peter R. Lee Healthy Communities Award to the Massachusetts Healthy Aging Collaborative and the Commissioner's Leadership Award to Rosalie Girard of Berkshire Nursing Families. Following lunch, participants attended workshops covering a variety of topics. Click here for a 37-minute video of the Commissioner's remarks and award presentations and here for the Heidi Klein's keynote address. Click here  for photos of the 2016 Conference.

(Top row) Partners Outreach and Media Liaison Michael Coughlin signs in at the DCU Center in Worcester before Associate Commissioner Lindsey Tucker welcomes DPH Commissioner Monica Bharel, MD, MPH. (Row two) James Fuccione, Senior Director of the Massachusetts Health Aging Collaborative, accepts the Peter R. Lee Healthy Communities Award before Lindsey introduces Heidi Klein of the Vermont Department of Public Health to give the keynote address. (Row three) Jackie DeWolfe, Director of Sustainable Mobility for the Mass. Dept of Transportation and Juan Vega of the Executive Office of Housing and Economic Development talk about how their agencies' policies address health as Ms. Klein listens. (Bottom row)  Boston Alliance for Community Health Director David Aronstein and Mass. Public Health Association Field Director Andrea Freeman pose questions to the panel before the group breaks for lunch.

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