Twenty teachers, parents, administrators, community leaders gathered for a second year-end retreat on June 22, 2017 at Mesa 21 to prepare the Parent Academy for its third year. Student Assignment and Parent Information Director Barbara Allard organized the four-hour session designed to review last year's successes and challenges and to plan for the coming year. The session began with a summary of this past year's program by School Community Engagement staff member Jessica Rodriguez. Input solicited from the group will help to shape next year's program. The Parent Academy is a district-led, community-driven initiative designed to provide educational resources to parents and families. Academy courses focus on building capacity in families and empowering them with the information they need to raise their children in a stimulating, proactive and nurturing environment. Click here for a nine-minute video of the session. Click here for photos and video of a planning meeting held last year. Click here for photos and video of a recent Academy event. For more information about the project, contact Barbara Allard at 508-675-8367.

(Top row) Project Coordinator Barbara Allard talks with Denise Peixoto and Sandra Drummey while School Community Engagement staff member Jessica Rodriguez talks with Tanya Guyton and Donalda Silva before the session begins. (Row two) Partners School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard talks with Kuiss Parent Liaison Grace Melim while Fall River Youth Coordinator Christian McCloskey talks with Jo Ann Sullivan and Jo-Anne Sbrega. (Row three) Barbara begins the session by describing what each of the four groups will be doing over the next three hours. (Row four) Tanya gives her input while Michelle Carreiro listens in their group discussion and Jo Ann listens as Valerie Perry comments. (Row five) Christian clarifies suggestions from Valerie and Jo-Anne while Annie Palumbo looks over the Parent Academy web site with Marcia and Jessica summarizes the feedback she received from parents. (Bottom row) Wendy Garf-Lipp clarifies one of the suggestions before Barbara and Jessica draw prizes as thank-you gifts for the group.

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