The newly completed Alfred J. Lima Quequechan River Rail Trail runs from Britland Park and Rodman Streets east to the Westport line crosses busy Brayton Avenue. In order to allow walkers and cyclists to cross safely, a pedestrian-activated crossing light was installed in May and June, 2017. "The crosswalk now makes it possible for people to travel the full length of the two mile trail" commented Fall River Mass In Motion Coordinator Julianne Kelly. "It's now possible for cyclists to go from Westport to the center of Fall River without traveling on city streets", she added. Access to the Trail is available from Britland Park behind the Fall River Police Station or Rodman Street one block east of the Stop & Shop grocery store. The one other lighted street crossing occurs at Quequechan Street just north of Walmart. Since opening in June 2016, the Trail has become a popular location for walkers and cyclists and is now incorporated into the 1422 Project that is encouraging people to walk to prevent or treat diabetes and high blood pressure. Click here to see a 90-second video of the crosswalk construction and here for photos of walks led by Southcoast Health clinician Michael See and here for walks in Spanish led by Wanda Cruz of SSTAR. For more information about the walks, contact Fall River Mass In Motion coordinator Julianne Kelly, at 508-324-2405 or.go to

(Top two rows) Workers construct a paved approach to the crosswalk lights that we installed earlier in the year. (Row three) A new sign shows the location of the Trail for people entering that portion from the half-mile section along South Watuppa Pond completed in 2008. (Bottom row) The crossing mechanism allows anyone to stop traffic on demand in order to cross safely with an countdown clock to indicate the amount of time available to cross safely.

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