The South Coast Regional Network to End Homelessness (SOCO) provided human service staff in Bristol County the opportunity on January 11, 2017 to learn how to assist homeless families. The training was led by Angela Eddings of Catholic Social Services, the agency that is contracted with the Mass. Department of Housing and Community Development (DHCD) to authorize placement of homeless families in shelters. The half-day session covered both emergency shelter placement and placement in permanent supported housing through procedures under "The Call" to a 1-800 line that serves as a single access point for all emergency shelter services in Bristol County. Click here for a 28-minute video of a portion of the meeting. SOCO is co-chaired by Senator Michael Rodrigues and First Citizens Federal Credit Union CEO Peter Muise and coordinated by Regional Coordinator Janet Riccardi out of her office at the Greater Attleboro United Way office. Participants include representatives of local housing, employment, veterans, community development and other organizations throughout the South Coast. Click here for photos of a 2014 SOCO meeting held last year. Contact Janet Riccardi for information about the Network.

.(Top row, left) SOCO Coordinator Janet Riccardi talks with presenter Angela Eddings of Catholic Social Services and Lisa Alves of the Fall River WIC Program. (Top row, center) Ms. Eddings welcomes the group to the training. (Top row, right) Marie Tavares and Stephanie Taylor of the New Bedford Family Resource and Development Center talk with Ms. Riccardi during a break. (Middle row) Ms. Eddings listens to questions from the group as United Neighbors of Fall River Executive Director Wendy Garf-Lipp and Partners School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard talk with Barbara Allard of the Fall River Schools. (Bottom row) Delia Abate of Steppingstone Inc. talks with another participant during the break as Ms. Eddings passes out a practice exercise and talks with Delia while Gene Finnin, also of Steppingstone, listens. 

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