Massachusetts Safe Routes to School (SRTS) held a Winter Forum on February 16, 2017 at the Union Station in Worcester to explore what equity means in the context of Safe Routes to School. Partners School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard was invited to present her experience in Fall River in developing walking school bus programs at four schools over the past three years. Her case study looked at how programs at the Doran, Letourneau, Fonseca and Viveiros schools began and what is keeping them sustained over time. "We worked with schools where we thought we could improve attendance," stated Picard. "The fact that there's a possibility that you can improve your attendance rate, that's what resonated with the school system, not the physical fitness," she added. Following Picard's remarks, Michelle Norman of the Springfield Public Schools and Martha Hevenor of the Cape Cod Commission talked about their challenges and their successes. Click here for a 22-minute video. For more information, contact Marcia Picard at 774-319-0107.

(Top row) Partners School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard poses for a photo with Mass Safe Routes to School Coordinator Erin Reed and Outreach Coordinator Moss Lynch after Senior Planner Beth Isler gives her remarks. (Row two) Ms. Picard talks about her experiences in developing walking school bus programs at four schools in Fall River  over the past three years. (Row three) Ms. Picard's slides detail both the results of her efforts as well as the key ingredients for her success. (Row five) Michelle Norman of the Springfield Public School talks about her walking school bus program. (Bottom row) Martha Hevenor of the Cape Cod Commission talks about developing walking routes on the Outer Cape before Erin Reed of MassDOT and SRTS Program Director Diane Hanson give their closing remarks..

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