State Representatives Alan Silvia, Carol Fiola and Paul Schmid gathered at the Boys & Girls Club of Fall River on June 16, 2017 to announce that a bill that introduced in the Massachusetts Legislature by Representative Silvia making June Seat Belt Public Awareness Month has passed. The month of June, a month filled with high school proms and graduations, will provide reminders to high school students of the danger of not using seatbelts. Former City Councilor Mike Miozza's grandaugher, Hannah Raposo, 18, died in a rollover car crash on Route 195 a year ago on her way to the Durfee High School prom at White's Restaurant. Miozza believes she would not have died had she been wearing a seatbelt. According to the Fall River Herald News, her prom date, who wore his seatbelt, walked away with minor injuries. According to Rep. Silvia, fifty percent of fatalities in Massachusetts are a direct result of not wearing a seatbelt. The Governor signed the proclamation which will provide funding to produce educational PSAs. Click here to see a 20-minute video of the event. Click here for the Herald News article. For more information, contact Representative Silvia at 774-526-1122. 

(Top row) Boys and Girls Club Executive Director Peter McCarthy welcomes Club members who competed for the Club's Youth of the Year Award as Representative Alan Silvia greets Keystone Club Secretary Jana Grimley. (Row two) Representatives Paul Schmid and Carole Fiola introduce themselves to this year's Youth of the Year winner Yanka Camacho who read the proclamation following remarks by Mayor Correia, the three representatives and Hannah Raposo's mother, Angela Lehn. (Row three) Fall River Government TV newscaster Pamela Martin interviews Yanka before she has her photo taken with the group that included Rep Schmid, Youth Activities Director Mimi Larrivee, Mike Miozza, Angela Lehn, Reps Silvia and Fiola, and Peter McCarthy and with Representative Silvia. (Bottom row) A display outside the club reminds members and others of the potential consequences of not wearing seat belts.

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