Physical activity continues to blossom at the Frank M. Silvia Elementary School with the addition of twenty more activities, all  part of the Greater Fall River Fitness Challenge in the Fall River Schools. Lead Physical Education Teacher Terry Mahjoory, who devised most of the activities, showed School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard what they have done this year on a tour of the school conducted on April 7, 2017. The tour included a look at a meditation room, a green house, and signs throughout the building with a variety of health messages. "For the third year in row, the Silvia School has gone way above and beyond our expectations for this year's Challenge by engaging children in activities that are good for their minds as well as their bodies," noted Picard. "Terry, Principal Jean Facchiano, and the entire teaching staff are fully committed to the idea that these activities improve learning by keeping children moving."  Terry was recognized at the April 21st Challenge Finale. Click here for a fifteen-minute video of this year's activities. Click here for photos and video of the what the school did last year. For more information, contact School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard at 774-319-0107.

(Top row) Lead Physical Education Teacher Terry Mahjoory describes how she works with teachers to help them incorporate physical activity and mindfulness into their curricula at the Silvia School. (Row two) School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard talks with Terry about the meditation room that she and her colleague Ms. Powers created in a former storage area. (Row three) Terry gives Marcia a tour of the greenhouse that she and other teachers created in a space that was formerly used for storage. (Bottom row) Children demonstrate some of the physical activities that are part of a typical day both last year and this.

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