Winter Storm Niko, the 14th named winter storm of the 2016-17 season, cranked up in the Northeast and New England on February 9, 2017, dumping more than a foot of snow in some areas and bringing blizzard conditions to parts of the coast. Boston officially reached blizzard criteria for the first time in two years. As a result, schools were closed in the city Thursday and Friday, and hundreds of flights were canceled at Boston Logan International Airport. Snowfall totals in Fall River neared the one foot mark and resulted in parking bans and snow shoveling pain. It also provided dozens of adults and children the chance to get out to enjoy some sledding at Kennedy Park, a perennial favorite for those seeking great hills and no traffic worries. A stop by the Park on Saturday morning following another three inches of snow overnight found children, young adults and families having a winter blast and getting some great exercise at no cost. Click here for Herald News photos. Click here for photos sledding at Kennedy Park in 2015.  Click here for photos of sledding at North Park.

(Top row) A mother of two youngsters helped to give them some rides down the hill while dad enjoyed his own sledding before the four of them climbed back up the long hill to their car. (Rows two and three) Some young adult men had a blast trying out the hill and seeing how far they could travel on both a snowboard and a sled. (Bottom row) Starting from the pavilion at the top of the hill, others tried a variety of conveyances, including one young man who just slid down on his belly.

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