Residents of the Tecumseh Mill Apartments on Hartwell Street had the opportunity to attend a health fair held right in their building on June 23, 2017. Seniors and people with disabilities live in the 125 apartments in the renovated historic mill building. Residents had the chance to talk with representatives of Senior Whole Health, Family Service Association, Seven Hills Tobacco Cessation Program, Crifasi Chiropractic Nutrition and Wellness, and Partners for a Healthier Community covering its Sugar-Free Challenge. Participants could also get their blood pressure and their blood sugar checked and get a back massage in between getting information on health and health care services. Click here for a five-minute video of the event. Click here for photos of an employee health fair held at Blount Fine Foods, For more information about Tecumseh Mill Apartments, contact Resident Services Coordinator Marissa Abdow at 508-676-3600.

(Top row) Kathy Wilbur of the Seven Hills Tobacco Cessation Program speaks with residents about her services while Resident Services Coordinator Marissa Abdow talks on camera about the event. (Row two)  Partners School Wellness Coordinator Marcia Picard talks with residents about the dangers of consuming sugar-sweetened beverages. (Row three) Larry and Renee Mango look over information at the Family Service Association table before Renee gets a massage from Dr. Janine Crifasi of Crifasi Chiropractic Nutrition and Wellness before they stop at the Senior Whole Health table. (Row four) Victoria Pereira takes Renee's blood pressure before checking Bill Burdett's blood sugar. (Bottom row) Igdaliz Aviles of Senior Whole Health talks with a resident and Tecumseh Mills Program Manager Terry Potter. 

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