Fall River Redevelopment Authority Chairman and City Planner Bill Kenney held a public input session with Mayor Jasiel Correia II in the atrium of Government Center on May 23, 2017. After people had the opportunity to look over large display boards depicting proposed plans for the Fall River waterfront and downtown areas, Senior Urban Planner Emily Keys Innes of Harriman described the plans and then solicited questions and responses from the audience. Joe Carvalho of the Coalition for the Responsible Siting of LNG Facilities and Green Futures suggested that the existing Weaver's Cove area be taken by eminent domain to be included in the plans. Retired city planner Al Lima asked about the possibility of daylighting the Quequechan River below Government Center. Patrick Norton of the Narrows Center for the Arts recommended cleaning up existing areas on the waterfront before anything else is done, and businessman Jim Rogers talked about plans for downtown development. Other suggestions for the Davol Street area were offered by resident Todd Rego before the session concluded. Click here for a 33-minute   video of the session. Click here for the Herald News story. For more information or to submit suggestions, contact City Planner Bill Kenney at 508-324-2561 or Mayor Correia at 508-324-2600. 

(Top row) Retired city planner Al Lima and Joe Carvalho of the Coalition for the Responsible Siting of LNG Facilities and Green Futures look over the plans and talk with Senior Urban Planner Emily Keys Innes of Harriman while Patrick Norton of the Narrows Center for the Arts speaks with City Planner Bill Kenney before the presentation begins. (Row two) Mr. Kenny introduces Mayor Correia for his remarks before Ms.Innes goes over the plans in detail. (Row three) Laurel Jonas of the Fall River Council on Aging looks over the plans before Fall River resident Todd Rego leaves after making suggestions and Mayor Correia talks with Ms. Innes about one of the plans. (Bottom row) Fall River Office of Economic Development Executive Vice-President Kenneth Fiola, left center, talks about the plans while resident Michelle Dionne looks over one of the posters while downtown businessman Jim Rogers talks with Herald News reporter Kevin O'Connor.

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