Dozens of volunteers came together at the Boys and Girls Club on Bedford Street on February 6, 2017 to stuff envelopes for A Wish Come True's annual fundraiser. The group helped to get over 22,000 envelopes stuffed with notices of the April 29th fundraiser at the Venus deMilo Restaurant. For more than 23 years, A Wish Come True, Inc. has been granting wishes to children age 3 through 18 who suffer from life threatening illnesses, and live in Rhode Island and parts of southeastern Massachusetts. A Wish Come True gives children and their families a chance to set aside the illness, and have opportunities to do things or go places other children and families experience. The mission and goal is to grant every medically qualified child “one memorable wish.” A Wish Come True, Inc. was the first organization of its kind in this area, granting wishes to 12 children in the first year and now averages approximately a wish a week. Volunteers are the key to this organizations’ long, successful history of putting smiles on the faces of some very courageous children. Click here for a three-minute video of the event. Click here for photos and video of last year's event. For more information about the event, contact Jim Cavanaugh at 508-673-3501.

(Top row) Volunteer Organizer Junior Paquette welcomes another group of volunteers who agreed to help with the effort and then explains how to stuff each envelope. (Row two) Fall River Police officers take their place with the help of Lt. Paul Bernier. (Row three) Sergeant Jim Smith stuffs along with dozens of other volunteers. (Bottom row) Girl Scouts help with the project.

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