Greater Fall River 2014-2019 Action Plan for Improving Health

(with Year Three Progress Updates)

Click here for a WORD copy of the entire Action Plan Workbook and here for one in pdf

For separate Task Force Reports listing just those goals and progress-to-date, go to:
Click here for the 32 Healthy Eating Active Living Task Force Action Plan Goals 1-24 and 55-63
Click here for the 7 Substance Abuse Task Force Action Plan Goals 25-31 from the Workbook
Click here for the 3 Sexual Health and Infectious Disease Action Plan Goals 32-34 from the Workbook
Click here for the 4 Access to Quality Dental, Health, Mental Health & Substance Abuse Treatment Goals 35-38
Click here for the 6 Worksite Wellness Action Plan Goals 39-44 from the Workbook
Click here for the 5 School-Community Partnership Action Plan Goals 45-49 from the Workbook
Click here for the 5 Coalition for Health and Well-Being Task Force Action Plan Goals 50-54 from the Workbook
Problem Area Strategic Goal Strategy Activity Resources Measures Achieved
Health Factor I: Diet & Exercise  Problems with poor diet, inactivity, and lack of knowledge of and access to healthy food Goal: To lower diabetes, heart disease, some cancers rates
1 Population Nutrition is poor, obesity and diabetes rates are high Increase rate of fruit and vegetable consumption Increase the availability of healthy produce Increase outlets which offer healthy produce Increase access and availability of farmers' markets Number of hours markets are open and number of locations Count hours and locations
2         Mass in Motion Healthy Neighborhood Market expansion Increase number of markets offering healthy produce Count of markets offering health produce
3     Increase number of school and community gardens Work with school and organization staff with an interest in gardens Link experienced gardeners with those willing to learn Number of gardens and gardeners Count of gardens and gardeners
4     Create permaculture gardens throughout the community Plan, organize, create and maintain plantings Mass in Motion grant, Permaculture expert  Number of plantings Count of plantings
5     Increase education around the selection and preparation of healthy produce, including frozen vegetables Expand nutrition education opportunities Umass-Amherst Nutrition Education Program staff Increased number of locations where nutrition education is offered Count of nutrition education opportunities
6   Improve the quality of food offered at work locations Educate and incentivize employers to adopt healthy nutrition policies Introduce healthy workplace nutrition guidelines to local employers Partners educational materials; Worksite Wellness Coordinator's time Number of employers that adopt healthy worksite nutrition policies Count of worksites with healthy nutrition policies
7   Improve the quality of food offered in public and private schools Educate and incentivize school systems to adopt healthy nutrtion policies Work with School Wellness Policy development teams to address nutrtion guidelines School Wellness Coordinator's time Number of school systems that adopt health nutrition policies Count of school systems
8   Improve the quality of food offered in civic and religious organizations Educate and incentivize civic and religious organizations to adopt healthy nutrition policies Work with civic and religious organizations to adopt healthy nutrition policies Healthy City Fall River Coordinator's time Number of civic and religious organizations that adopt Count of organizations
9   Increase the availability of nutrition education opportunities Arrange for nutrition education, especially for low-income and special populations at-risk of nutrition problems Offer teaching opportunities at soup kitchens and food distribution sites Voluntary instructors from BCC, Johnson & Wales, and Umass-Amherst Nutrition Education Program Number and locations of nutrition education opportunities offered Count of nutrition activities offered
10     Promote the "Look Who's Cooking" Series Advertise series through multiple outlets Community Media on-line service and CDs distributed widely Frequency of views Count of views
11     Promote Family Fun Night nutrition education Promote Family Fun Nights in all elementary schools Local nutrition educators Numbers of attendees Count of attendance
12     Promote nutrition education opportunities for those with diabetes and prediabetes Hold cooking demonstrations at a variety of venues People Incorporated Diabetes Association staff Numbers of attendees Count of attendance
13     Promote WIC "Cooking Matters" and shopping tour program to 3,000+ enrollees Hold cooking and shopping demonstrations at a variety of venues HealthFirst WIC program staff Number of attendees Count of events and attendees
14 Population fitness levels are low; too few people get the recommended hours of moderate physical activity per week Increase the availability of organized fitness activities throughout the community Organize, promote and operate a year-around Fitness Challenge for residents fo the Greater Fall River Area Engage voluntary participation of professional fitness providers; fund-raise for incentives Partners paid coordinator's time to organize and promote Challenge Number of attendees for each event and event totals Count of participants
15     Organize and promote a school-based Challenge series for local schools Engage voluntary participation of physical education teachers and principals Partners School Wellness Coordinator's time Number of children participating Count of teachers and child participants
16     Organize a Safe-Routes-To-School Walking program at elementary schools Engage parent volunteers, principals, teachers and community health workers Partners School Wellness Coordinator's time Number of children participating Count of teachers and child participants
17     Engage behavioral health clients in a program of regular exercise Organize and operate a daily fitness program at the SSTAR Outpatient Program SSTAR staff Number of participants and frequency of sessions Count of sessions and participants
18     Engage housing authority residents in a program of regular exercise Run a wellness program that includes healthy eating/active living for adults and children Worksite Wellness staff Number of participants and frequency of sessions Count of sessions and participants
19     Engage new moms in a program of regular exercise  Run a FitWIC program at HealthFirst WIC staff Number of participants and frequency of sessions Count of sessions and participants
20     Support or engage a program at Bristol Community College that engages students in physical exercise Operate a physical fitness program in the Commonwealth Center open to all students Bristol Community College staff Number of participants and frequency of sessions Count of sessions and participants
21     Run a weekly fitness program for seniors designed to increase balance, flexibility and strength Run two groups at the Niagara Senior Center on a weekly basis Senior Center staff and YMCA instructor Number of participants and frequency of sessions Count of sessions and participants
22   Create a walking map of Central Fall River showing distances between points and walking times Increase knowledge of walkability of Central Fall River Print and distribute maps widely; hold promotional events to encourage walking Mass In Motion Coordinator and BikeFall River volunteers Numbers of maps printed and distributed Count of number of maps printed and distributed
23   Promote increased safe use of bicycles by adults and  children Organize programs to teach bicycle safety and increase ridership Offer bicycle safety training classes; distribute free helmets Mass In Motion Coordinator and BikeFall River volunteers Numbers of participants and helmets distributed Count of participants and helmets
24   Promote the purchase and consumption of frozen vegetables as a less expensive option Plan, organize, and promote a "Buy Frozen" campaign for the community Produce print and video materials to advertise the benefits of frozen vegetables widely  Healthy City Fall River Coordinator's time Numbers of events and participants Count of events and attendees
Health Factor II: Tobacco, Alcohol and Other Drug Use Prevention   Smoking, prescription and illegal drug use Goal: Reduced smoking rates, less drug or alcohol addiction, fewer overdoses 
25 Opiod overdose deaths are rising Reduce opiod overdoses and deaths resulting by making Narcan more readily available Permit Emergency Room staff to be trained and distribute Narcan to OD patients Train ER staff, address hospital policy/procedure to allow this. Seven Hills-Narcan pilot for training purposes, hospital staff and pharmacies Hospital ERs distribute Narcan/education Reduction in overdose deaths
26   Expand drug courts in Fall River Promote collaboration with local human services provides and the drug court in Fall River Ensure better collaboration Develop avenues of collaboration between providers and court officials Drug court referrals to local agencies Evidence of drug court referrrals
27   Begom substance abuse prevention efforts in Somerset, Swansea and Westport Offer SAD programs to reach youth in Somerset, Swansea and Westport Arrange and provide educational presentations in youth agencies and schools BSAS funding through a variety of local grants Number of educational presentation Count of presentations
28 Track substance abuse related problems in surrounding towns Administer the Communities That Care Survey in Somerset, Swansea and Westport Work with local school committees and town councils to ensure funding and administration Offer Communities That Care  Surveys in all public schools  Grant funding and support from Partners if needed Offer Communities That Care, YRBS and YHS in each school at least every other year Evidence of surveys offered
29 Tobacco use is high among youth Provide compliance checks of vendors in all area towns Provide ongoing "stings" in each of the four towns Provide random compliance checks of all area tobacco vendors BSAS funding through a variety of local grants City funded through Mass. Tobacco Cessation & Prevention Program

Compliance checks from January 1, 2014 through June 3, 2015 were conducted Fall River:  293 checks, 68 sales, 68 citations;
Somerset: 35 checks, 12 sales, 12 citations; Swansea:  20 checks, 3 sales, no citations issued for e-cig sales as Swansea has no e-cig regulation;

Westport:  17 checks, 8 sales, 8 citations; BOH sanctions:  1 suspension


30     Increase uniformity of compliance checks across the four towns Work with Boards of Health and Selectmen to ensure enforcement BSAS funding through a variety of local grants Compliance checks administered among local tobacco vendors Number of compliance checks; number of violations and Board of Health sanctions
31   Increase educational offerings to youth Establish chapters in all four towns Work with local schools to create organizations BSAS funding through a variety of local grants; Partners funding if needed; Seven Hills (Kathy Wilbur) The number of chapters established Chapter established at Durfee High School 
Health Factor III: Sexual Activity and Infectious Diseases Problems with STDs, HIV, teen pregnancy Goal: Less infertility, AIDS, premature parenting
32 Teen pregnancy rates are higher than state averages Continue after-school, peer-led programs in all area schools Offer peer-led programs, counseling and resources in all schools Offer PREP Program at Youth Build, BCC Gateway  Program, etc. DPH funding for teen pregnancy prevention The number of peer-led programs offered Count of peer-led programs
33 STDs (Clamidia, Syphilis, Gonnoreha) rates continue to rise Increase screenings for STDs at all medical facilities Incentivize both patients and physicians to prerform screenings on a routine basis Provide educational programs for both professionals and patients DPH funding for teen pregnancy prevention The number of educational offerings Count of educational offerings
34 HIV/AIDs rates continue at a steady rate Ensure continuation of educational efforts Advocate for continued funding after expiration of Ryan White funding Advocate for continued funding through DPH Organize local advocacy efforts Evidence of advocacy for continued funding Descriptions of advocacy efforts
Health Factor IV: Access to Quality Dental, Health, Mental Health and Substance Abuse Care Problems with insurance coverage, waiting times, lack of support outside medical settings Goal: Less delayed or inappropriate treatment, oral pain, stress, depression and other mental health disorders
35 Population experiences high rates of chronic depression and other mental health disorders Increase access to behavioral health resources throughout the region Increase the availability of mental health services and providers Advocate for improved reimbursement rates and coverage of wrap-around services Southcoast Hospitals PACT program employees to develop and maintain on-line directory Numbers of persons involved in the advocacy process; increase in reimbursement rates; expansion of coverage to include wrap-around Count of persons; documentation of rate increase and coverage expansion
36     Development of a single intake and screening tool to identify needs for services that could be universally used by multiple agencies and service providers Develop prototype of an inter-agency referral tool to be used by multiple service providers Prevention and Wellness Trust Fund SHIFT Project for two zip codes each in Fall River and New Bedford Development of electronic referral system Documentation of electronic referral system developed in conjunction with MA DPH
37 Population experiences high rate of poor dental hygiene Provide education, especially to parents and children to teach dental hygiene Increase the numbers of presentations on dental health at public venues Include dental hygiene education in all Partners tableing events HealthFirst Dental Hygiene Program Numbers of presentations to parents and children in public venues Count of presentations
38 Public transportation system makes accessing medical, dental and behavioral health services difficult Reform current SRTA bus system to make it more responsive to consumer needs Make route and schedule changes and add Saturday and Sunday hours; eliminate language barriers Advocate for improved transportation system through local groups Coalition for Social Justice; United Interfaith Action Improvements in bus schedule and routes Documentation of schedule and route changes
Health Factor V: Education, Employment, Income and Disability Problems due to low graduation rates, job creation, adult education Goal: Lower unemployment, health illiteracy, economic stress
39 Population experiences high rates of school drop-out and unemployment Provide opportunities to engage youth who are at-risk of dropping out in meaningful and engaging work Provide an after-school project at the Resiliency Preparatory School that connects local artists with youth Offer after-school  YEAH! program for 18 weeks for up to twenty students Grants from local banks and the Donaldson Trust; staff of the RPS Number of after-school sessions offered; number of students involved Count of participating students; count of sessions
40       Training workshops to fill the gap of skills possessed by individuals seeking employment  Fall River Office of Economic Development; Chamber of Commerce Number of workshops offered Count of workshops offered
41 Workforce exhibits levels of  poor overall nutrition, fitness and smoking rates Provide information and resources available to employers to promote wellness Workshops and/or informational collateral for employers regarding corporate programs available to promote wellness Annual Worksite Wellness conference;  monthly meetings on relevant topics for employers South Coast Worksite Wellness Collaborative; Partners staff Number of sessions held Count of sessions held
42 Increase the number of worksites that have healthy meeting and event policies on-site by 2019 Provide workshops and/or informational collateral for employers regarding healthy meeting and event policies Training workshops and site-specific consultation South Coast Worksite Wellness Collaborative; Partners staff Number of worksite policies changed Count of changed policies
43 Increase the number of worksites to include tobacco free policies on-site by 2019.   Workshops and/or informational collateral for employers regarding tobacco free worksites Training workshops and site-specific consultation South Coast Worksite Wellness Collaborative; Partners staff Number of worksite policies changed Count of changed policies
44 Working with employers to implement the evidence based CDC work@health program on-site by 2019.   Provide information to area employers about the Work@Health Program Schedule and offer training workshops South Coast Worksite Wellness Collaborative; Partners staff Number of worksite trainings held Count of worksite trainings held
Health Factor VI: Community Safety and Violence Prevention Problems with crime, abuse, bullying Goal: Less PTSD, premature death
45 Mental health issues and trauma histories, including their impact on violence toward self and others, are of a major concern in this city Reduce rates of psychological trauma and self-harm Offer professional development around mental health, safety and violence prevention Increase relationship violence training in schools and agencies Local agencies who provide relationship training programs Number of trainings held Count of trainings
46       Provide training in Search Institute Developmental Assets to all adults who have contact with youth  New Bedford Responsible Attitudes toward Pregnancy, Parenting & Prevention Program Number of trainings held Count of trainings
47       Increase teacher and parent involvement in parent cafes and facilitated training Child and Family Services and United Neighbors of Fall River Number of parent cafes held Count of parent cafes
48     Increase conflict resolution and social skills Extend Peace by Piece efforts beyond a one-day event Grant funding and support from Partners if needed Number of Peace By Piece extended activities held Count of activities
49       Hold an annual meeting with school and community personnel to develop a strategy School -Community Partnership Task Force Annual meeting held Documentation of meeting held
Health Factor VII: Family, Cultural and Social Support, and Housing Problems Language, race, ethnicity, cultural values, maternal care, single parent households, homelessness Goal: Decreased racism, stress, disconnection from community resources
50 The number of people experiencing homelessness is continuing to rise as is the population of homeless families in local motels. Increase the availability of resources to homeless individuals and families Develop and maintain a listing of locally-available resources for homeless individuals and families Create and distribute resource listing SCI interns at United Neighbors and United Way Listing created and distributed Over 4,300 resource guides  distributed
51     Continue job support with SER-Jobs and Community Health Worker Training projects Create job and job training opportunities to homeless individuals SER-Jobs and United Interfaith Action CHW job development and training projects Number of jobs and job training slots provided Count of jobs and job training slots
52     Increase transportation opportunities to families in local motels Organize regular bus transportation to Fall River resources to families in Somerset and Swansea People Incorporated transportation grant; Vela Foundation grant Number of bus trips provided Count of bus trips to Fall River
53     Establish a food bank warehouse accessible to all Fall River food pantries Identify suitable location and fund renovations needed Fall River Food Pantry, Project Bread, and donated location Food Bank warehouse opened and operational Food bank opened
54     Hire a full-time "food guru" at United Way to organized food resources on a 24/7 basis Write grant application, recruit and hire person, supervise and link with existing resources United Way of Greater Fall River with Social Capital Inc providing funding and recruiting interns Position funded and person hired; Feed Our Family food outreach project under way Funding in place a person hired
Health Factor VIII: Environment and Infrastructure Problems with non-vehicular transporation Goal: Increased physical activity and access to recreational resources
55 Improved access to public transportation and its connectivity to schools, jobs, parks, medical centers and shopping needed Develop a Bicycle Master Plan for the City of Fall River   Map routes to key destinations (school, work, shopping, recreation) to ensure bicycle access Create maps designating bicycle routes throughout the Area Mass in Motion and Fall River Bicycle Committee Map created and distriubted Over 2,500 maps printed and distributed
56     Create a bicycle culture that recruits new cyclists and addresses bicycle safety in a vehicle-oriented community Plan and implement a comprehensive bicycle safety program; Trips for Kids, Bike Fall River Southeastern Regional Planning & Economic Development District, MASSBIKE, Safe Routes to School, South Coast Bikeway Challenge Number of safety sessions offered, number of organized bicycle trips offered for children and adults Count of safety sessions and bicycle trips
57   Standardize Physical Education Curriculum to include Safe Walking and Cycling  Review and revise School Wellness Plan to address safe walking and cycling Standardize the PE curriculum for the FR Public Schools to include walking and cycling Partners School Wellness Coordinator's time and Mass In Motion participation on the Wellness Committee Policy to address pedestrian and bicycle participation and safety in school curriculum Wellness Policy language included
58 Increase physical access to healthy food, especially to low-income areas and people who lack automobile transportaion Create a Five-Minute Walk to a Healthy Market Program Identify potential markets that agree to upgrades using the Healthy Market Toolkit Expand shelf space and improve locations of healthier food options MIM staff to locate markets based on owner interest to increase and promote healthier choices to adult and senior audiences Five markets with interest and potential to expand availability of healthier food options identified Number of participating markets
59     Create map of the 1/2 mile radius of all markets offering healthy food options Locations plotted and analyzed; healthy market locations plotted; map produced and publicized MIM staff; Cancer prevention project staff; Healthy City Coordinator Map created and distributed Number of maps distributed
60     Brand a Five-Minute Walk to a Healthy Market program and advertise using English and non-English messages Five-minute walk program created in multiple languages and widely publicized MIM staff; Cancer prevention project staff; Healthy City Coordinator Branding project completed Branding advertisement count
61 Improve and increase resources and awareness of active living resources Improve and expand parks and open spaces and awareness of and access to both Search and identify funding sources for park and open space improvements; complete planning and apply for funding Grant opportunity search; coordination with Mayor's Office and Grantwriter City grant writer; Parks and Recreation Department; Department of Community Maintenance Grants identified and secured; projects underway and completed Number of grants; number of improved and expanded parks and open spaces
62 Work with SRTA Bus to increase alternative transportation options Recruit and train Bus Ambassadors to increase use of buses; run "Meet-A-Bus" demonstrations Work with SRTA, SRPEDD and Mayor's Office SRTA Administrator, MIM Coordinator, Senior Champions Ambassadors trained; availability advertised; trainings held Number of trainings held

Click here to review the Action Planning Process

Click here to see the 2009-2014 Action Plan



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