Fed Up on the 
South Coast

A Sequel to the Movie "Fed Up"

If you’ve seen the movie “Fed Up”, you know that things have gone terribly wrong with the food supply in our country, and even all over the world. 


Not only are we eating too much food, we’re eating and drinking the wrong food. Sugar sweetened beverages, added sugars in eighty percent of our food products, and a diet rich in refined grains and other carbohydrates is making a third of our population sick with diseases like diabetes and metabolic syndrome. Even heart disease and some cancers can be blamed on the diet we’ve been eating over the past thirty years.


This twenty-minute video provides ten recommended changes that can help us change course away from the poor nutrition and sedentary path we are following to a more natural way of living that fits what our bodies need.


After watching the video, join a panel discussion of what the recommendations mean for people who are struggling with weight gain, diabetes and other concerns. Click here to watch the video to watch the video followed by a 35-minute discussion with Psychologist Dr. David Weed, Registered Dietitian Amanda Raposo, Nutrition Educator Jessica Williams, and special guests Linda Mae and Leonard Pittsley!

The video was written by David S. Weed, Psy.D., edited by Tanya Feke, M.D, and produced by Partners for a Healthier Community, Inc. as an educational tool to increase understanding of the contribution of poor nutrition and lack of daily exercise to the poor health of people living and working in the Massachusetts South Coast. Thanks to FRED-TV Director Rene Kochman, staff members Michael Fereira and Alex Mello, and the participation of the following local experts: 

  • Kimberly Ferreira, R.D., Coordinator, New Bedford Mass in Motion Project

  • Derek Christianson, Manager, Brix Bounty Farm, Dartmouth

  • Marcia Picard, School Wellness Coordinator, Partners for a Healthier Community

  • Michael Rocha, M.D., Cardiologist

  • Amanda Raposo, Registered Dietitian

  • Helena Marques Hughes, Executive Director, Immigrants Assistance Center

  • Julianne Kelly, Coordinator, Fall River Mass in Motion Project

  • Angela Bras, Worksite Wellness Coordinator, Partners for a H.C.

  • Chef Jessica Williams, Nutritionist, Creating Healthy Solutions, Swansea 

  • Robert Saint Laurent, M.Ed., Certified Master Trainer

     Parents: Fed Up with School Lunches?

Check out the Fed Up with School Lunch blog

or the Two Angry Moms web site

to learn more about what 
you can do to improve school lunches

and, see what they say about carbs and fats!


Click here to see and hear Dr. Weed's February 5, 2015 presentation to the New Bedford Allies for Health and Wellness on challenging the content of the USDA Dietary Guidelines

Click here for a screening of the movie "Fed Up" at the New Bedford Whaling Museum.

Click here for a one-hour special program on Fall River Community Media TV.

Click here for a pdf copy of the complete video script.

Click here for the movie "Carb-Loaded" that discusses similar issues.

For information on the Partners "Soda-Free" educational effort, click here.

Click here for more information on low carb diets on the Fitness Challenge page,