Become a Healthy City Fall River Action Plan Partner

Any individual, group or organization that wants to participate in the Healthy City Fall River initiative may apply to contribute their efforts to making the city a better place to live and work. There is no fee to apply and there are a number of benefits in participating. Action Plan Partners join a growing group of people dedicated to making Fall River a better place to live and work.


Why join the Action Plan? Healthy City Fall River seeks to join all of the activities in the City that contribute toward achieving the Action Plan Priorities into a unified effort. If you or your organization are currently involved in an activity that furthers one of these priorities or if you planning to start one that will, you are invited to become a Healthy City Action Plan Partner
 Participant benefits

Newly forming citizen groups, especially those from ethnic and linguistic minorities, are eligible to apply for $500 Micro-Grants designed to address one or more of the five Action Priority Areas. Application are made available in the spring of each year.


Action Plan Partners are invited to participate in training activities provided free of charge by Partners for a Healthier Community. In the past, trainings have been offered on

  • Community Leadership Development

  • Creating Inclusive Communities

  • Fundraising and Proposal Preparation

  • Healthy community development through the Massachusetts Forum

      In addition, scholarship assistance is available for those who wish to attend other healthy communities training events

Activities on behalf of the Action Partners that address Healthy City Action Priorities will be publicized by one or more of the following means:

  • Partners Web site

  • Lobby display at Government Center

  • Quarterly Healthy Fall River Newsletter

  • Local newspaper articles, radio talk shows and cable television interviews

At the end of the year in April, new Action Partners are recognized at a Spring Celebration. Results of their activity over the [previous year is published in a Healthy Fall River "Report of Accomplishments" detailing progress toward addressing each of the Action Priorities.

Participant responsibilities

Action Plan Partners are only responsible for reporting their progress toward the goals they set each year. Once a goal has been met, Partners are invited to set new goals or to add other activities.

To get started

If you are interested in getting started with the process, just e-mail the Healthy City Coordinator at