2015 Community Gardens


Use these descriptions to find information about some of Fall River's community garden projects. If you know of a garden in the City of Fall River that is not listed, please contact the webmaster at

The Harvest Community Garden

Rotary Community Garden at BCC

The Harvest, the Home's Community Garden project began planting in the field behind Bay View, The Home's independent living facility at 4380 North Main Street and the Elks Club in the City's North End.  Along with proceeds from a Taste of Fall River fundraiser and grants from Fiskars, Home Depot and the Walmart Foundation, the project has garnered almost $7,000 to pay for tools, hay bales, mulch, seeds and other supplies. 
For more information, contact Kayla or Maria at 508-215-9081
Kevin McNally and several other members of The Fall River Rotary have organized a community garden on the grounds of Bristol Community College's (BCC) to give local residents a chance to raise their own produce. Plots can be reserved for $25 each on a space-available basis. There are common workdays to help maintain the garden and the The Rotary Club will be providing seeds throughout the season. Contact Kevin McNally at 781-930-3199 or by email on the Community Garden website,,
 Bishop Eid Apartments Community Garden Cottell Apartments Community Garden

Residents of the Chor Bishop Eid Housing Complex on Quequechan Street in the Flint are enjoying the first harvest of vegetables from their community garden that is growing near the 54-unit apartment building The garden has been constructed with donations of wood, soil, compost and seeds from the Housing Authority, Partners for a Healthier Community, and help of now State Representative Carole Fiola and her husband. Resident Katie Goldman oversees the garden while others work and harvest the vegetables that they have grown and share them with other residents. For more information, contact Katie Goldman at 508-739-3391.  Thanks to a project initiated by Mass in Motion Fall River Coordinator Julie Kelly and Master Gardener instructor Lydia Silva from UMass-Dartmouth, residents now have an opportunity to grow their own vegetables in plots constructed on the property by YouthBuild with the assistance of the Fall River Housing Authority. Now that the garden is producing more than the gardeners can consume, they each give vegetables away to the other residents. In a few years, some of the blueberry bushes and fruit trees planted as part of the project will also be producing good food at no cost to the residents. Comtact Julie Kelly at 508-324-2405


Click here for photos of the 2014 community gardens.


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