Describe your plans

The Healthy City process requires that each participant describe their intended activity clearly so that others in the city will understand how that project will contribute to the overall Action Plan Priority goals. This brief format enables the Healthy City Design Team to understand each project and to evaluate the progress of that project over time. When you are ready to submit your responses, contact the Coordinator.


Action Plan form Once you have identified the Action Plan Priority that best fits your current or new activity, you will be asked to complete a one-page form that requests the following information:
Identify your project goal(s)

Please state as specifically as possible what your organization intends to accomplish over the next five years to address the Priority Area and sub-area described at the top of the page. If you are able to quantify your goal (e.g., number, percentage, degree) please do so, otherwise, a statement that your organization intends to increase, decrease, improve or change something that will address the Priority Area is sufficient.

Describe the methods your will use

State in one or two sentences how you will achieve your goal by describing the activities that you plan to do to achieve the goal. If this is a multi-year plan, concentrate on what you will do first or what you are planning to do this year.

Indicate your proposed timeline

Please provide an estimate of the time period over which your activity will occur. If you expect the activity to continue for the entire five years of the Action Plan, it can be described as "continuous."

List the indicators that will show you have reached your goal

Please provide a brief description of what will indicate that a change has taken place. This could be a formal indicator (e.g. crime rate, level of participation, number of G.E.D,s, completion of a project) or an informal indicator (e.g. improved sense of safety, increased knowledge, greater awareness, etc.)

Describe how citizens can get involved in your activity

Describe how the average citizen could contribute to  your activity. If direct participation is not possible is there a way someone could provide support or advocacy for the activity? If there is a regular meeting they could attend, when and where is it held?

List contact information

If someone wants more information or to be able to talk with someone who is involved in the activity, who can they contact and how (i.e., telephone number, e-mail address).

Describe the progress you have made toward reaching your goal This field will be completed after you have reached some or all of your goal, usually after the first year of your becoming a Partner.